
Friday, April 15, 2011

Got Out and Took a Walk

I had a very pleasant day today.

Levonne and I met up for a light lunch and a walk on the beach.

I think it was good for both of us.
Along with some real fresh air, we got in some good "friend talk."

Both of us brought cameras along, and both discovered the batteries
in our cameras were to low to use.

So here's a picture, that I pulled off the Web, of the cement boat we walked over to see at the Sea Cliff Beach in Capitola CA.

It was a perfect day for a walk with a friend.

I should do more of this.
I live in such a scenic area.
 No need to travel far to find great walks.

New resolution:  One day per week taking a long local hike!

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill or trail.

miles Thursday April 14
miles on the beach on Friday
Total walked = 328 miles  

Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!


  1. How very nice that you are getting to be friends with Levonne.

  2. Yes you do and yes you should.

    I'll be expecting lots of pictures. (remember first rule of blogging is always have a camera with you and with a good battery)

  3. Beautiful picture Merikay! Looks like a wonderful place to walk and enjoy!

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  4. We love walking on the beach & it's especially nice when you're with a friend!

  5. Happy to see your exercise goal back. One can only stand so much of stripping wallpaper, etc! :)

  6. Always great to walk and talk with a friend.

  7. Here's to more gorgeous days and walks with friends.

  8. I always forget to charge my camera or to take it with me. My husband always had a camera around his neck, so I didn't have to have a camera with me. Now I will have to remember to have it ready because my friends and family want updates about what I am doing. I gave them the link to my blog yesterday.

  9. how great that you got to meet up with Levonne again!..nothing like a walk along the beach with a friend!

  10. A walk on the beach, a good friend, and a chat...what more could you want? Sounds like an idyllic day.

  11. with a charged battery of course!

  12. Sounds like a great day - glad you took the time to enjoy it.

  13. We haven't been in very nice walking/hiking areas the last month or so. And, it's been extremely windy and dusty. Next week we get back to Wisconsin and I plan to start my daily walk again. Hopefully, the lack of walking lately hasn't led to extra pounds on the hips :)

  14. It was great fun Merikay! I didn't realize how close I am to you because you've been coming my way for a visit. I want to get back up there before too much longer. (I'm going to get that extra battery for those times that I find one depleted.) I look forward to our next outing!


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