
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nothing Much Happening here

I got most of the wallpaper and glue off the walls of the downstairs bathroom. 

I didn't do the areas behind the light fixture over the mirror or behind the toilet. They can wait. I don't want to take the light down yet. 

 I don't know what we will be doing about the vanity and mirror, so just getting the paper off was all  can do for now.  I will paint eventually.

My next project is the upstairs bathroom. It is the LAST ROOM with WALLPAPER!  Yes, it's on the ceilings too. It's a two room bath, and the paper is peeling and stained. 
 I know we want to replace the carpet with tile, and remove the large, cracking mirror over the soaking tub. 

 We might want to tile that area, so for now I will only be stripping the paper and glue until it's decided.

One step at a time. Do what I can.

On Sunday I went to an open house for a property that might be used as a comperable for ours some day.  The  similiarity between properties is the age, location, and type of construction.  We have more land, a larger house, more garages, and some upgrades. 

 That house has been on the market on and off as a "for sale by owner" for several years. I think the asking price is too high, but we shall see.  From what their realator said, they are not very "motivated" and aren't acknowledging the decrease in values.

I took lots of pictures of it so if it is used as a comperable I can show an appraiser the differences.

I've enjoyed my treadmill time this week.  I watched the classic Lucy Ball movie "The Long Long Trailer" available on Netflix. 

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill or trail.

miles Sunday
miles Monday
2 miles Tuesday
Total walked = 334 miles  

Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!


  1. I have a bathroom with wall paper I've thought about taking down. Is it a horrendous job live I've heard?

  2. I feel your pain on taking wall paper down it's a messy job.We have been painting and hate

  3. Don't you wish you had been doing this stuff all along? I sure did when I was getting ready to sell. :) It was quickly forgotten though, once I was on the road.

  4. Oooooh - I just love "The Long Long Trailer".

    Have you read the book? Get a copy if you can - it's been out of print for a while but it's worth a search. It's a true story and a bit different from the movie but every bit as charming.

  5. wallpaper is the worst!..we feel your least you are keeping at it!

  6. You're getting there...slowly but surely. I know you'll be glad when the wallpaper is all gone!

  7. Your house is going to be amazing when you get done. Great job on the walking too. It is always hard to keep motivated but it really pays off in the end. We need to stay fit so we can enjoy all those parks!

  8. Now ya got somethin' else to put down upon yer workcamperin' rezumay. Outhouses no problem, willing to clean them down to the bare walls.


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