
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Going to Alaska

No, not me.  I won't even say "someday."

 I am following three other bloggers that are making the trip this summer.

SueCyndi, and Judy and Luke are all headed there, and I will be going along in "spirit" as a virtual RVer.

I always believed books could give me the world, now blogs are my window.


  1. You can "see" Alaska pretty well by following along with a blog. Thats what I'm going to do too! I'm not so sure your rv'ing dream has died. Maybe it will still work out for you as well.

  2. I used to be an avid reader also, but since I got hooked on blogs my book reading has cut way back.

  3. Merikay, i got to go 'on the road' 4 7 mos last yr and now it is not working out, it was so hard to do by myself. BUT have not given up, may get back to it after a break... Love to 'go' along with the blogs!!

  4. Blogs are the 'new books'!..yeah for them!!..we are virtual riders too!

  5. That's about the only way I'll be going to Alaska as well - on blogs. I do still read as many books as ever even though I read a lot of blogs too.

  6. I agree - probably the one way we're going to see Alaska is on the blogs of others. Can't imagine my life anymore without my blogs to follow.

  7. I agree....blogs are wonderful!! It would take a lifetime to visit every neat place so following along is the next best thing!!
    You might want to add -
    They are a wonderful couple that we met last year and remain good friends with. They are currently in Alaska!!

  8. That should be - scratchingtheitch
    For some reason it only took scratching. Sorry about that.....

  9. Hi, Merikay. You live so close you should at least take a ride on the ferry or a cruise up the inside passage. I get emails all the time for bargains, 2 for 1 cruises. I am actually thinking of considering a summer job in Alaska in 2012, I would take the ferry there with my coach, and think about driving back. Alaska has been a dream of mine for many years, I even subscribed to their magazine. I was trying to set up a rental apartment for my husband and I for the summer of 2010 near Resurrection Bay. It's marked on my calendar and everything. I was ready to go. I wanted to produce a book with his photography of Alaska. In answer to your questions: Yes, the blog gives me a link to the outside world, but I have always been a loner, no real close girlfriends that I would see or call on a regular basis. And yes, I do talk to my husband all the time, I ask him to give me ideas if I'm having a problem and some of the places I end up picking to stay or drive through have names that have some meaning to me - coincidence???

  10. Hi ..I came over from Teri's World...please..never give up on your dreams...they can happen if you want it bad enough!

  11. How about an Alaskan cruise someday. It might night be like in the RV but we went and loved it. Yes I want to go back in the RV but the cruise was a great way to see a little of that beautiful wilderness.


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