
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Homemade bagel review

Craig said he thought the homemade bagels were quite good.  The one he tried last night, baked 5 hours before, was the best, as good or better than from the bagel shop.

The one that was par-baked and then finished with 10 more minutes in the oven was next best, and the one that I just refrigerated over night and baked was a bit "wet" inside.  All had a good texture and flavor.

For Donna K, I think they were less work than the Strawberry Shortcake you just made!  If we were closer we could trade!

Wish my diet would allow doughnuts.  I'd try to make some!

Next time I go to the store I'll have to look for a nice fresh pineapple.  I want to try making one on the grill like Jerry and Suzi did.  Looked very taste, and fruit is good for you!

Happy Holiday Weekend everyone.

Remember to give all those weekenders extra smiles.  You are the lucky ones. They have to go to work on Tuesday.


  1. I remember making doughnuts once. Neither the dog or the blues jays would eat them. :(

  2. Tried donuts once - bricks dripping grease. Love pineapple though.

  3. Wow, I haven't made bagels in years! Aren't they yummy? I love how the boiling makes them soft and chewy at the same time. Let me know when you're ready for another day out.

  4. Ha-ha Merikay - someday we will do just that! My mother used to make homemade donuts and sell them around the neighborhood. What we now call maple bars, she called Long Johns...I never knew why.

  5. sounds like some of the bagels were a huge success!!

  6. way to go Merikay and they really are easier to make than one thinks... still need to post my recipe on line...


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