
Friday, May 27, 2011

Home made Bagels

Last week heyduke50 showed a picture of some bagels they had baked in the RV convection oven.  He has not yet posted a recipe, but I waned to try making some too.  I found a recipe for home made bagels using the bread machine for mixing, and decided to give it a try. 

It was really a lot easier than I expected. 

The recipe I used said it would make nine bagels.  I divided it into eight.  I think getting the sizes equal will take a bit of practice.

 I always use the full recipe when I'm trying something new.  
Next time I will try making a half recipe resulting in four fresh baked bagels.

This time I am also doing a couple of "baking option" experiments. 

 These bagels  are fully baked and were quite yummy.

 The bottom two of these bagels  have not been baked and will be covered,  put in the refrigerator, and baked tomorrow.  
The top two  have been baked for 15 of the 25 minutes.  I will also refrigerate them and bake them  bit more tomorrow.

I think it would be nice to be able to mix them and let them go thru the first rising, shaping, boiling and topping the night before, (about a hour and a half time). Then bake them for breakfast the next morning. 
The recipe I used is at bagels

I'll let you know tomorrow how the delayed baking and Craig's taste test went


  1. I would have never thought of making my own bagels. I'll have to try that!

  2. Merikay those look wonderful...but I looked up the recipe and it sounds like a lot of work. Tell ya what, I'll trade you some strawberry shortcake for a homemade bagel!!

  3. they look yummy!..let us know tomorrow what you think of them!!

  4. Great looking bagels - I love bagels ..... and scones...and biscuits....etc.etc. etc.

  5. If it is made of dough...I will eat it!!

  6. I'm with Al, if its made of dough I will eat it (probably too much of it). Never thought of making bagels particularly in the RV.


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