
Sunday, June 5, 2011

HAPPY to have a project!

I have been really down in the dumps for the last couple of weeks.  After working so hard for the first five months of the year, I felt really at a loss because I had "hit the wall."

I started something today that will keep me busy and feeling useful for some time.  
I am entering our collection of favorite recipes into "my recipe box" on

We have five three ring binders with clippings from various food sections and magazines that we have collected over many years.  Many have become our favorites.   Last year I tried to scan them, but was not happy with the results.

In the past I tried entering them onto another recipe site, but found it very cumbersome and didn't get very far.

In the last few months I have been getting a daily email from with a "daily dish," and have saved some of them to "my recipe box" on the site.

I look up things on often.  In fact the bagel recipe came from there.

Today I decided to explore the site a bit more, and ended up creating folders and filing the 40 or so recipes I had saved. 

 Then I found the feature that allowed me to enter my own recipes and the project was born.

I entered a half dozen this afternoon.  I will be going thru the binders and only entering the ones I want.  I will mark them and then let Craig go thru the binders and see if I missed any he wants.

You can go back and add pictures if you want.  It should be fun to do that.  

I think this will be a good project no mater what the future brings.  Since I got my laptop, whenever I am using a recipe from the web, I have put it on the counter and worked from the screen  rather than printing it out.   

At Christmas, when I was at my daughters, she displayed her recipes on her ipad. 

Technology is good if you can get used to using it. 

So i'm happy again.  Oh, and I got a new order for another signature animal head for a new shop, The Black Unicorn.  That makes me happy too!


  1. When you finish with your recipes, you could come do mine for me. I've totally lost control over whatever I have.

  2. ditto what Sandie said!...mine are typed in a binder at least but we always seem to make the same things..we need to expand our recipes!!

  3. What a great idea Merikay. Can others look at your recipes or is it password protected? I just wondered about the possibility of sharing recipes.

  4. Ah, so I'm not the only one who moves the laptop to the counter to follow a recipe. I'd rather not print something out.
    And yes, I'm the one who does most of the cooking and baking. Just the way things have turned out. Took over the laundry over 20 years ago, since it just so happened to be one more step towards "marital bliss" at the time. Or something like that. I confess I was a little too fussy about how my shirts were ironed, and rather than wait for the, "well then do it yourself", I just figured I'd jump in the deep end.
    So now, back to "". Can you also save them to your drive, since there may be times when internet connectivity could be limited?? Just wondering.

  5. I'm glad you are happy again :)

    The recipe project sounds like a great idea.

  6. What a great idea! I have a lot of family recipes in a box, they could stand to be retyped into a program like that.

  7. Sounds like a great project! In fact it is a project I should join you on because my recipes are everywhere....not really organized at all. I also have a tendency to fix the same dishes alot and need to branch out. Great idea!

  8. I love I made the Clone of a Cinnabon cinnamon rolls. They were wonderful, plus I got first prize for them at the church dinner. Yay!

    Have fun with your recipes. :)

  9. I'm so glad you're happy!!! I also entered my recipes onto my computer. I scanned them into word files and have them in a recipe folder in my documents. Each recipe starts with the category such as crock pot, main dish, desert, etc so they're easy to find. Now, if I need a new recipe, I search online and try one. If I like it, I add it to my documents folder. Works great and no more recipe books to store. I've never been much for cooking anyway, so don't miss having recipe books at all.

    Keep your chin up. Things always seem to work out the way they are supposed to no matter what we think or plan. Keep the faith!!!!

  10. Good for you! I began a similar project years ago after setting up the database in my Mac to suit my needs, and I just keep adding!

  11. What a great project! Congrats on getting organized and taking that on. It sure beat hunting through a dozen cookbooks looking for something.

  12. Thanks for the comments about the caracal. Not only did I not know it's name I didn't know it could jump so high. I learn some amazing things being a part of this RV community.


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