
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Recipes and more Recipes

I'm not really sure why I started this project, but it is helping to keep my mind occupied and keeping "dreamer" thoughts away.  Although I must admit, I keep visualizing cooking in an RV.

So far I have entered  and catagorized 93 recipes. I already had 35 in my allrecipes "recipe box," but they were in no way organized.  I have set up folders within the box and am organizing them as I go.  I started with a stack of loose recipes I had put into a large envelope over the last year or so.  

 We used to save all the food sections from the newspaper and every so often we would go thru them together and collect the recipes we wanted to try. Then I taped them onto sheets of paper, put them in page protectors and into binders.

I am now up to page 33 of 500 pages in the binders.  Considering they average three recipes per page, that 1500 recipes!  Yikes!  I am not adding all of the recipes on each page.  Some are just no longer interesting to me.

 Craig would want me to transfer every one of them, but I know many are things I will never want to try. He likes to pick out things for me to cook, and many of the recipes are ones he has clipped.

As the chief cook I reserve the right to refuse to try making something.  I always called some recipes his "next wife collection."

Speaking of keeping busy:
My mother always said "If you get depressed, scrub the floor."  I guess she thought doing housework would cheer a woman up.

I'm no "Suzy homemaker" and I really only clean when company is coming.  I've seen homes that are a lot worse, and most that are a lot better.

But, maybe I'll scrub the kitchen floor tomorrow.  It could use it.  I've got a stack of ironing to do to.

 I'm still waiting on my most recent customer to confirm her order, so I have no art work to do. Maybe she will place the order tomorrow.

Maybe I'll try to make homemade Kaiser rolls to go with the Salmon Burgers I have planed for tomorrow nights dinner.

Maybe I'll do both.

 Just trying to keep the dreams from creeping in.

I am walking every day.

Total walked = 372.5 miles


  1. Good post. Your recipe project sounds ambitious, you must be very organized. Salmon Burgers are a favorite for us, we have them at least once a week when they are available (seasonal at Aldi’s) and I sometimes have them for lunch too.


  2. chuckle! I read this: "I really only clean when company is coming," and and I laughed, because what I THOUGHT I rad was: "I really only clean when company is looming"!! I feel that way at times!! I love having company, but the preparation is grueling!!!

    Your recipe project sounds good. Are you printing the recipes after you've entered them? I enter many into my "files" but I print only the "family favorites," and put them in my recipe book. As for the "next wife" recipes, put them, in their clipped form, in a book of their own and present it to hubby for those days when he wants to cook the meals!

  3. When I decided to try and narrow down my recipe piles, one of my major criteria was number of ingredients and how easy it was to put together. That really eliminated a lot of them. But I've also found that since we've become full timers I've joined the LEO club. That's Let's Eat Out. I still cook in the RV but not near as often as I did in the stix and bricks. And I've found that my cleaning skills have transferred to the RV nicely. I deep clean when company is coming. Scrubbing the floor ranks pretty low on my list.

  4. Scrubbing the floor sure wouldn't work for me if I get depressed. I wash my hair, and take a walk in the woods! :)

    My cooking ambitions have definitely lessened since living in the RV...

  5. Hi Merikay,

    Sorry I couldn't respond to your question on my blog. (Blogger is giving me a devil of a time commenting - I can't even do it on my own blog). Anyway, I haven't ordered the trailer yet - will do that in about 2 weeks.

    Dontcha just love

  6. Please don't give up your dreams. I think we all need to have dreams. Maybe, you can just modify them :)

  7. I clean house when I am angry!..I need to get angry again!..have a good one!!

  8. Is this just for your viewing or are the recipes available to anyone on the internet?

  9. mom always said ...if you are bored take out the garbage...she saved the mopping of the floor for girls who were over due with their pregnancies...when they were trying to bring on their labor...

  10. Aw, MK, you still need to dream your dreams! It makes me sad to read that you are trying to keep your dreams "out." I know how hard it is to work through the grief that comes from saying good-bye to a particular dream. And, from that perspective, I can say that I tried to keep busy and dodge the lingering dreams, but instead of doing that, I decided to just open myself up to the dreams. I let myself feel the emotional power of the dreams and I really explored why a dream was significant to me, and maybe there was another way I could have an event be that significant, even if it didn't look like my dream.

    I hope you allow yourself the time and compassion to still feel the power of the dream that led you this far. Let it continue to guide you toward the next step in life - even if you can't see what that step is right now. Don't shut out your dream.

  11. Don't let the dream die...maybe it just needs to simmer for a while. Sounds like you are very busy getting your recipes in order. Hint: if you want to cook in a motorhome, you might need to disable the smoke alarm first! That's just my frustration of the week talking LOL!

  12. Had to chuckle at Donna's reply about smoke detector in an RV. Sometimes I think I use mine as a timer. WHen it goes off, food is done!

    Since I haven't stopped by for a while, I am not up to date on your status. Will have to go back and read.


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