
Saturday, June 11, 2011

What's in a name ...

If I ever buy an RV I will call it "Rigby."

If Craig ever buys an RV he will call it "Possum."

If we ever buy an RV together it would have to be called

"Rigby Possum"

or "Rigby" for short!

The dreams just won't go away!


  1. Glad to see you're still hanging on to that dream. As they say...a rose by any other name....

  2. P.S. Has Craig actually looked at a possum lately?? They are REALLY ugly LOL!!

  3. Love it. And you just never know what's happening around the bend.

  4. Rigby is a great name!!..and yes possums are kind of ugly!!!..hope you are enjoying the weekend!..glad you are still dreaming! too!!

  5. everything begins with a dream!!!

    I don't know about Rigby, but opossum's are mostly dead in the middle of the road.....

  6. I vote for Rigby, why does Craig want to name it Possum? Rigby is cute, because you can call it "The Rig" for short.

  7. *You made me smile*

    We get around like ancient hippies in 'The Old Purple Bus,' although it's pretty faded now and it's not going anywhere these days. And we are far too conventional in dress to be ancient hippies.

    I had lots of ideas but life took an unplanned turn.

    Question:- Where did craig pull 'Possum' from?

    The dreams don't go away for me either but I have managed to put them on the back burner to gently simmer away.

  8. In short, you could then refer to your RV as RG:))

  9. I'm glad your dreams won't go away!

    I like Rigby the best!

  10. Great names, but i'd go with Rigby!

  11. You guys are right, there are too many possums dead on the road for that to be a good name for a rig. I'm leaning toward "skunk" or "armadillo" instead :-)

  12. Now you've got me wondering if I need to name my trailer. We've always called it by it's manufactured name --The Sprinter--but do we need a more "personal" moniker for it?maybe if we ever get another one (one of these days....).

  13. That sounds like a good compromise to me! we all know you are the one that is going to be using it the most!

  14. I also like Rigby!! Cute name for a future dream home!! Hang in there my friend!

  15. I like the name Rigby. Do you know what Rigby looks like?


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