
Monday, July 18, 2011

New Pots

I strongly resist the temptation to buy things because I think they will be useful in an RV someday!

I have bought a few good Rubbermaid containers, but other than that I have been "good."

When we went on our "rented RV" trip a few years ago I felt like the pots and pans I took along took way too much room because they didn't stack very well.

I wanted a set of nesting pots, and no mater what RV we buy they will fit into a cupboard better than what I have at the house.

They all fit one inside the other and have removable handles.  The best thing is the nested set then fits inside my favorite large dutch oven soup pot.  

This picture is not the exact set I bought, but I'm to lazy to find or take one.

I figure that there will be so many basic things we will need for the RV I might not want to be buying things like pots and pans. Knowing myself, I would "pinch a penny and make do." 

So I bought some now. It's like buying a tiny bit of the dream.

The box was on the steps when we came home from looking at RVs on Saturday.   

Now Craig has been teasing that they are the reason he is ready to buy an RV. 

 "Gotta have a place to put the wife's new pots!"

We have been laughing together more these last few days.   

Thats a good thing!


  1. a little piece of the puzzle is starting to the shape of a set of pots..what ever you want to start with..great idea!..
    I try really hard not to buy something that will not be going on the 'road' with us..if I figure I won't be taking it with us..I don't buy it!..seems to be working so far...when were on vacation I bought one myrtlewood bowl and a 'happy camper sign'..these items will be coming along for the 'ride'!!

  2. Glad to see you are laughing now ;-) We won't buy anymore 'stuff' unless we know it has a place in the RV. On the weekend we went from room to room making mental lists (sometimes physical) of things that we know we will definitely use in it.

  3. I understand that little tweak of excitement in picking up something for future RV travels. When I post photos of our past travels I get a little excited tweak knowing what lies ahead. Our tweaks may be slightly different but hey, an excited tweak is an excited tweak. Tweak on, Dudes:))

  4. Pots are a good place to start!..reading your last post...just look at how much you have learned...sounds like both of you are ready to find the next one..

  5. What a fun thing to buy for your future RV adventures. That set definitely looks better than the et I am carry around in our RV.

  6. Sharing dreams, laughing, being on the same page is good.

  7. Laughter is such a wonderful thing and just makes you feel so good. Keep it up. Love the pots and pans. Ours don't nest but I've learned how to stash them. After almost three years of living in the RV I am still getting rid of stuff that I thought we'd need. In my case - a lot of clothes. How exciting for you.

  8. Once you both retire, I imagine there will be more laughter to be shared.

  9. Laughing together is definitely a good thing.

    I think buying a few things now that you know you will definitely need is a good thing. Once you get your new rv, you'll find LOTS of other stuff you will need so this will be one less thing to worry about then.

    Those look like very nice pots. Ours don't stack and they take up a lot of room.

  10. I.M with y'all on that laughin' bit. Nilda are always sayin' that are my station in life, to bring laughs to someonebody else, though look as hard as I.M. can, there don't seem to be no stations around.

  11. Awesome nesting pots! As the old adage says, "Laughter IS the best medicine."

  12. More laughter is always good! Keep it up!

  13. You'll love the nesting pots, they're perfect for the rig. And what is better than shared laughter? Nothing!

  14. Love the pots - I make do with a cast iron frying pan for most of my cooking, but not being full time I can get by! I'm pretty sure I'd bring my cast iron enamal soup pot too if it were a long trip. Oh and glass stuff for the microwave - I use that TONS.

    It's fun making those "dream" purchases :-)

  15. Are those the same pots Kate has...she just raves about hers. So glad you and Craig are on the same page and having fun with this RV thing!

  16. I'm about ready to get rid of all my pots and pans since we eat out all the time. After two years on the road, I think I could get rid of about 1/4 of what I brought along. Too many shoes and clothes.

    Glad there is laughter in your life. Hope each day has some laughter in it.


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