
Sunday, July 17, 2011

No Go

Someone else bought it before we could drive it!

Today, after the Women's World Cup game, we had an appointment to test drive the Itasca we saw yesterday. 

I did my homework last night: finding several  comparable listings, figuring out the cost of six new tires and batteries,  getting an extended warrantee estimate from Good Sam.  I ran the specs and options, to the best of my memory, thru NADA and came up with what I thought would be a low, but fair offer. ($85,000). In my mind I was also determined that any offer would be conditional on disclosure and our approval of all maintenance records, and our approval of an inspection by an RV inspector.

When we got to the dealer we were told that it had been sold.  I was a bit put out that our salesman had not called us to tell us not to drive all that way, but he apologized and said it had been a very hectic day.

We did not tell him what we had planed on offering, but we did ask what it had sold for.  Would you believe $85,000.  He said the buyer told him he had ben on his way up to Sacramento to see one of the rigs I had printed out as comps and decided to stop at See Grins to check out what they had first. After he told us what the sale price was I told him that was what we had intended to offer and showed him my information. He told me the other guy had also "done his homework."

What a hoot!  I'm not at all unhappy with the outcome.  It was a really stressful experience, but now I know how to come up with an offer price and also am quite comfortable with the idea that there will be others.

The salesman also mentioned that the sale was not 100% a done deal.  The buyer has to get financing and  "had a few credit issues."

So, if it falls thru he will call us.  Otherwise we are taking a few weeks off, doing some work on the house, and will start looking again.  We really want one that is a little newer.

I'm just unhappy that we didn't get to drive a diesel yet!

My impression that they leave you totally out in the cold may be incorrect.  I questioned him a lot more about what the dealer does when a rig is sold, and they do test everything for you.  I asked if this was in writing and he said it was.  I will still be very careful and put our issues in writing as part of any offer.

 I keep saying "I" because although Craig is 100% part of this, I am doing most of the research and doing most of the talking.


  1. Hang in there Merikay. You are on top of things!

  2. You have done your homework and it will be easier on the next rig you look at. And believe me, there are lots out there to look at and drive and make offers on.

  3. The best comes to those who wait....

  4. Sounds like you are really organized and know what you are doing. Good for you. There is always another one out there - you'll find the right one.

  5. Apparently that was not the MH for you...keep looking:)

  6. This was a good learning experience. I like the fact that your offer was spot on. Perhaps the next MH will be "the one".

  7. I guess that it wasn't meant to be. We went through four different ones that we thought might be the one. None worked out but I feel our wait was worth it because we found the one we love. You will too!

    Come to Lazy Days. There are lots and lots here to look at and drive. They will even drive it home for you!

  8. It will happen when the time is right. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Looking is almost as exciting as buying :)

  9. If we ever change rigs I now know who to call & hire to do all the info research & negotiating.

  10. It's so exciting to follow along with you guys. I'd add Winnebago and Newmar to the good brands to look for in used rigs. Newmar & Allegro are my top two favorites but have several friends who bought used Winnebago's (not their entry level models thought) and love them.


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