
Friday, September 23, 2011

Deleted a couple of posts

I deleted a couple of posts today.  First I did a quick "test" post because several of the comments I had left just disappeared, and although it was after 4:00 my time (7:00 East Coast time) none of the blogs I usually see had updates.  Then I checked again and things were back to normal.  A Blogger hick-up?

The second deleted blog was called "The weekend is coming, and after it was up a short time I reconsidered it and decided it was a bit "pouty."

I just want EVERYTHING, and I want it NOW!

That's all.  Nothing wrong with Blogger, just me.


  1. Being the humans we are, your feelings sound pretty normal so far:))

  2. I think we need to start a "We want it all right now club"

  3. Blogger has been a real mess lately. Lack of blog updates, inability to comment or sign-in (even on my own blog), and problems loading. Yours is one of the few I haven't had trouble with. And you are one of the few I follow who hasn't reported the same sort of difficulties.

    So, it's not just you but blogger too!

  4. I recognize both of those feelings -- pouty & I want it all NOW...LOL!

  5. Me too, me too. And Don, I am ready for the club!

  6. I think I will join the club too! I want this house finished so we can put it on the market and get the heck outta Dodge!

    I feel your pain Merikay. You now have your dream in your driveway and now you are at the mercy of the highway department. I hope you are calling them often.

  7. It's hard having the RV out back and not actually using it, I understand how you feel.

  8. Hey... that's okay! My links didn't work either!!! And I'm not pouty about it...I'm pissed!

    But I do have them fixed now!!! I just have to go do a blog and say so...

  9. I wouldn't go so far as to say nothing is wrong with blogger! Every now and then they DO have bumps in the road!!

    I think what you are feeling is called being human!! I know when I make up my mind on something I want it right then and there...I'm not patient!!

  10. Try stomping your feet while holding your breath. If that fails, throw yourself on the ground and pound the floor with your fists. Works for me!

  11. Me too!!!! I'm not a very patient person. Blogger has been sketchy lately. I think it is all the changes they are making so lots of bugs showing up.

  12. Well, at least now you given us something to think about wondering what your 'pouty' blog would have been like! LOL!

  13. Oh heck! If I deleted every "pouty" comment I've ever posted, I'd barely have a blog!


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