
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Trip Ideas

Planning is one of my favorite activities. 

Craig is going to retire at the end of the year. I hope we can mix some nice trips with some intense home repair. (Our revised goal to have the house for sale is Summer 2012.) 

But where to go?  What to do first?  We don't need to go far to find places we have never been, or would like to revisit.  Farther away trips can wait until the house is on the market.  

I have joined a couple of Alfa Yahoo groups and am delighted to find them active discussion groups.  Yesterday I posted a question about rallies coming up in the next year, and was delighted to find out about two that just might work perfectly into our post Christmas plan.

After spendingChristmas week in San Diego we are going to the Rose Bowl parade in Pasadena on the 2nd. And I have an appointment at Alfateers, (a recommended Alfa repair shop) for the spoiler repair, and who knows what else, on the 3rd.  They are very close to the KOA we will be at.

I had hoped to stay in the LA area for a few days because although I have driven thru it dozens of times, and have been to Disneyland, there are several thing I would like to see.  

The Getty museum is on the top of my list.

 I don't know if we will have any repair or maintenance issues then or not, but if we do we can get them taken care of. I also think that after Christmas, and  the parade weekend, we will be more than ready for a few "down" days!

I'm excited to say I have found two rallies that we might go to.  The first is an all Alfa "pre-rally" four day get together at a rather nice sounding resort in Palm Desert. Not far from LA.  It looks to be a social event, with dinners, breakfasts, pot lucks, and a golf day. It would be a good opportunity for us to meet other Alfa owners and learn more about our own brand.

At the end of this pre-rally they all line up and travel together to the big FMCA rally in Indo. (Craig said it sounded like the athletes walking into the Olympic opening) Once there, they all park together. 

Again, I think being part of a group would be very good for us.  It looks like dry camping to me, and having experienced friends around will be nice.  I'm also hoping that they will give us "newbies" some advice on what seminars are useful, and what might be a waste of time.  Same for some of the products that will be for sale.

I'm not saying that we will be totally dependent on other people,  but it seem to me most RVers are generous with their advice and opinions, I know I usually am.

Often, Craig doesn't like to hear me babble on about "plans and possibilities."  But I guess the time was right, because when I told him about all of this last night,  he said it sounded good to him.

We will have to become members of FMCA and one of the Alfa Owners groups. I also want to see if I can find out more about what seminars will be offered. 

After all of that, we should be quite ready for some time to ourselves.  I like people, but that many days might be pushing it.  I think we will be quite ready to come home and work hard on the house.  

But, as they say "Plans are made in Jell-o."  So we shall see.

Does anyone have any opinions about FMCA rallies?


  1. I don't have any opinions about FMCA rallies to offer, but the ones you've mentioned sound like fun to me. I also love planning! Right now I am coming up with campground ideas for our trips next year. Unfortunately we can't start our travels until late April or early May, but I guess that just means I have a few more months to enjoy the planning!! :)

  2. We have belonged to FMCA for over 5 years, but have only attended one rally (Perry GA). I think you will enjoy the rally and it will be a learning experience as well as fun seeing everything and sharing RV info with others. Seminars are good for newbies. Unfortunately we rarely use our membership for the 10% discount - instead we try for the 50% discount of Passport America. FMCA magazine is also good reading. Sounds like you have a lot of good plans made. It's a fun part of being an RVer.

  3. Since we have a 5th wheel, we don't belong the FMCA, but I do think the rallies sound like fun and a good idea. As newbies, you will be amazed how much you can learn from the seminars and the other campers. Sounds like a great plan to me!

  4. I think the Rally sounds like a good deal. We never joined FMCA when we had the motorhome but I would think their Rallies are a lot like Escapade for Escapees. A lot of fun and lots of info and fun times.

  5. I can't comment on the FMCA Rally but I assume they're like any other...busy, busy, busy! I'm sure there will be a ton of info along with lots of new friends but I agree, you'll need some down time afterwards for the sensory overload, LOL!

    Whether you go once or keep going...either way I'm sure you'll have a blast! Cheers! ~M

  6. I received a free one year membership to FMCA when I bought my coach. I received some phone calls from the leaders of my local chapters, I thought that was very nice of them. They sent me their newsletters and invited me to a local campout, free of charge. I have not been able to attend, yet. But the group sounds nice.

  7. You are asking some great - and critical - questions. Isn't it marvelous that you will figure it all out since that everything is (almost) in place. What a great time in your life!!!!


  8. Merikay,

    You and Craig sound like Gayle and I. We will be fulltiming after we sell our home here in Indiana next year. I wll retire the end of next year if everything falls into place. We have are rig and truck already, its out in our drive. Your alfa sounds awesome. Planning your next moves are truly exciting.................

  9. FMCA is a great organization and I think you will enjoy their rallies. You will really enjoy being in the Alfa group and meeting others with the same rig. That is always fun and such a great learning experience. You will make long lasting friendships!!
    Sounds like you have made some great plans....I am so happy for you guys!!

  10. I think your plans sound very good. Getting involved with other Alfa owners can be very helpful.

    I've heard very good things about the FMCA rallies. We went to one last winter on a "day pass" and the seminars are great. I went to one by the Geeks on Tour and Al attended one on satellite dishes (note we now have one on our new motorhome).

    There are so many little quirks on these motorhomes that it takes a long time to learn them all, so just talking to others can be a big help.

    We were like you...had to get the house ready for sale but still wanted to go camping! We got it done, although at the end it darn near killed us!

  11. I like that "plans are made in jello"..I think for the six months to a year some group things would be can learn lots and lots from people who have been there! You can figure out the year after when it gets here....

  12. Merikay I'm seeing a post "the weekend is coming" but for some reason when I click your blog this post comes up instead. Also I saw your other post about is blogger down. I don't know what's going on with your blog but I hope it gets fixed soon!

    I'll keep my eye on it. Cheers! ~M


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