
Friday, September 2, 2011

I went back to the old Blogger.

I tried to like it, but ended up going back.  If anyone else does, be sure to take the time to fill out the form telling them why you went back.

Thats all folks ...

Good night.


  1. I always do my posting in Live Writer so I really don't have an issue with the new blogger. Is posting your blog in the new blogger what you don't like?

  2. It's easy to return to the old format right now. But, like all Blogger upgrades, don't plan on it being an option, for very long. The old version will be gone once the final changes are made to the new one.

    Sending feedback is a good idea as some of those suggestions might make it into the new version.

  3. I'm not having any problem with what I've seen and used so far. Basically it just looks different. Haven't seen any radical changes. Maybe I just haven't looked close enough.

  4. I did, too.

    I hoped that Google admitting paternity would improve Blogger's performance across the board, but I'm not sure it has.


  5. I think using LiveWriter keeps us from paying much attention to the new blogger interface. It took a bit to track where the stats went, that kind of thing, but I don't look at that page very often anyway. Either way, your blog still looks just fine, Merikay.

  6. I switched to Live Writer quite a while ago because I found it easier to insert the pictures. I haven't really noticed any changes with Blogger.

  7. I am a Live Writer guy as well and did not like the new Blogger Dashboard interface either. But, I stuck with it and am alright now. I do believe the older version was easier to read and navigate around for sure. Now, I'm not talking about posting in Blogger, I'm just talking about their new looking Dashboard format. As I said, I do my posts with Live Writer.

  8. I was using the new Blogger and liked it, but after the problems I had accessing my dashboard, I hit the button to "go back." That's when I realized I really liked the new format better. Oh, well.

    I recently downloaded Livewriter, and I'm going to try that, to see if I like it. :)


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