
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Two more days

I am prone to think and talk in analogies.  

Spending night after night reading used RV listings on the internet was like reading "Mail Order Bride" descriptions.

The RV salesman was like a greedy matchmaker: "Have I got the Rig for you!"

Test drive?  First date.  Blind date.

The purchase commitment was as agonizing as the decision to get married, and pre-wedding jitters were almost as stressful as the time between the down payment and the inspection report approval.

And now I feel as excited, happy, nervous, confident, and scared as I as in the days before each of my children were born.  We have prepared the room- driveway pad, and hope the delivery/drive-home will be smooth and uneventful.  

We know that although Tuesday will be a big day, it is just the beginning.  Our life is about to change. 

I wish it were Wednesday!


  1. Now the wonderful and exciting honeymoon begins!! May you have many happy, safe miles together. Get out there and make those memories!! There is nothing like it!! So happy for you both!!

  2. Hope you don't have any labor/delivery pains! Good luck.

  3. It is always such a great feeling to be done with all that paperwork/salesman stuff and just get in the vehicle and drive it home. That is one of my favorite parts and then how great it is to see your rig finally parked on your own property. I remember years ago when we first towed a travel trailer home and parked it. I would often just go out and sit in it looking out the window with a whole head full of travel dreams:))

  4. I am excited and nervous for you both. I guess it is like having your first child..not sure what to do with it!

  5. The drive home may be a bit stressful, but once you get it home the fun will begin!

  6. Good comparisons. Yes, life is about to change. You know how it will go - from cute new baby to a teenager when things go wrong. But it will all be worth the good times and memories.

  7. Just enjoy the ride and all the rides to come. Even to add your own touches to make it really yours. I hope your husband's back feels better for the drive home.

    BTW did now you could go back to the old blogger. Don't like the way you have to down load the pictures.

  8. Just remember to take it slow and easy. If you're not sure about anything, just slow down or stop altogether. It'll work out just fine.

  9. Love the analogy. How exciting, good luck on the drive home, I remember how nervous we were when we first picked ours up. :)

  10. Don't let them rush you and if they didn't detail it properly don't sign anything until they do and hopefully they are giving you a full tank of fuel!

    Have a safe drive home!


  11. it's like waiting for Christmas!!..Tuesday will be here before you know it!!!

  12. I'm excited for you and can totally relate to your nervousness. Pretty soon this will be a memory and you'll be an RV expert.


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