
Sunday, September 4, 2011


Several people have asked me if we will be naming our new (to us) motor home.  Before we found her I played with several possible names, but now none of them are right.

Boats get names.  And this one is as big as a boat and will be taking us on land cruises.  Boats are referred to as "she" and that feels right for her as well.  But as for now she doesn't have an official name.

We have always had a difficulty with the naming of our furry family members.  Several times the names they were given upon joining our family did not "stick."  One cat started out as Niblick because she was found on a golf course and I guess a niblick is a kind of golf club. But we just called her "the cat" and later "Momma Cat" after she had kittens.

One of my yellow labs started out as "Blondie" but quickly became "Odie" when she was dominated by the cat.

"Kittyarra" a cat name picked out before getting the cat, became "Spookie" because he was black, it was Halloween, and he was a scardy cat and easily spooked.

So for now our motor home is simply "the Alfa."  It feels like the right handle.  And it is a she.

One more day ... 


  1. We don't name our rig - it is just simply home.

  2. We thought about a name as well and we settled on "The Endeavor" which we feel works.

    If we had a Winnebago Journey we would likely pick "The Journey". When I used to own boats we always had to come up with an interesting name for them. Funny how with the RV we feel differently.

    I like my RV better than any boat we ever had but the factory seems to name RV's better making it easier for us.

    That's my story and I'm stickin to it. :)~

    "The Alfa" works just fine! :)


  3. We have never named any of our past RVs - just never felt right. But when we got this one we knew it would be "Therapy"...and it feels right. I thought you might call her Smokey - from your precious blog title .

  4. One of my daughters named my MH Mom's little Run Away.

  5. No need to rush in naming your rig. It was some time before Sandy came up with Phannie (for Phannie Phaeton), and then I came up with Mae for the toad. Before that, it was just "the coach." What's important is that it works for you and that you remain excited about your adventures in your wonderful new "Alfa." May it always be so.

  6. we have been in ours for 6 months and we have had a couple of names for her but they have not stuck yet... maybe she just has to earn a name!

  7. Although pet names and nicknames for pets come easy for me I have never come up with a name for a vehicle that ever stuck. Just one of those things I guess.

  8. When I had my Class B, she was Ms"B"Haven. When we got our Phaeton, I called her Phaz2 since going full-time was our second phase of life. Roger liked to call her Phaeton Place. Now, like Sandie and Jim, we just call her home.

    You must be getting really excited! I know I am! You've waited along time for this dream to come true. The Alpha's are beautiful so you should be very happy with your choice. We're waiting on more photos. Have fun!

  9. How about "Alfie" as in...what's it all about ;-)

    Good luck tomorrow!!

  10. Bring it home and get to know it...then a name might just happen!

    Tomorrow is the big day! Take lots of pictures.

  11. We never named any of our RVs. The Dutch Star....simply "the rig" or "home."
    Good luck tomorrow, take pictures and drive carefully on your maiden voyage!!

  12. I'm not one to name inanimate objects either. Some people do, some people don't. :)

  13. I haven't named mine. I think of names then change my mind. I don't think its necessary - unless something just pops into your head, or you start referring to it by a name while traveling.

  14. We originally called our motorhome Starship because we felt she'd take us places we'd never been to, and places we would never go to without an RV. Her name was changed to Rocinante following the death of one of our favorite magazine columnists (can't remember his name right now, but he wrote for Motorhome Magazine). He had called his rig Rocinante, named for Don Quixote's horse. In the story, Don Quixote would jump on his horse Rocinante and "ride off in all directions." That fit, and soon the name was shortened to Rosie.

  15. The MoHo was named specifically as "Mo's Motorhome", so we thought it was our very own coined name. Of course, later we find that many folkd think of the MotorHome as a MoHo and that has been just sooooo disappointing! LOL Is "Alfie" a cure girls name?

  16. Hi Merikay, Congrats on the Alfa! I just watched an Alfa pull out of the Moss Landing KOA. It had an American Flag painted all over it. It was impressive in scale. A new life is indeed about to begin. And your dream is no longer written in smoke. I love it! Would love to meet Craig and see you down here in Moss Landing. We are headed out to B.C. on Thursday through the 13th. So when we are back, we'd love to have plans to see you. What do you have in mind?

  17. 'Alfa' is a fine name for your new rig!..just get her home and all will be right with your world!

  18. I agree Alfa is a great girl name. John just named our truck but its a secret until I get him to blog about it. Enjoy Alfa!

  19. Alfa is a great name.
    I named mine "My Spot" because that is what it mine and no one else's. I can share it with whomever I want and that is Angel, my fur kid. I don't owe anyone anything.
    Congratulations on the new member of your family.

  20. Merikay...the motorhome I want is at RV Solutions in San Diego. The Monaco Cayman that I drove was really noisy in the cab and I didn't like that at all. Not to mention that the seat was longer than the bend in my knee, so it was pretty uncomfortable. I hope when I finally drive the Thor that it all falls into place for me and everything works out.


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