
Monday, October 31, 2011

"We don't quit agree" Continued

Sunday I started writing a post entitled "We don't quite agree" when Craig looked over my shoulder and said "We should talk about this..." So, I deleted the content but somehow  the title got published.

It drew some amusing comments which I didn't discover until tonight. We really weren't having an argument or anything, we just didn't have the same ideas.

The "what" we don't quite agree on is how far we should go for a weekend trip. 

Although I do enjoy walking up the back drive to just visit the Alfa, and sleep in her from time to time, I want to get more experience helping Craig park her and also learn to drive her myself.

I've read that it's good to drive an RV at least once a month to keep the engine and tires "happy." So I want to scheduale a couple of short trips between now and our longer Christmas adventure.  

Craig agrees with all of that.  
But we differ on suitable distances and destinations.

Craig suggested Crater Lake, Oregon, But it's 489 miles away, and closed for the winter.

His next suggestion was Death Valley. It's 515 miles in the other direction. 

No dear, these are not weekend drives. 

We have driven that far in a day,  but even then it was not just for a weekend, and it was not in a motor home. 

I'm thinking no more than 100 miles. 

Less would be even better.

We tossed around a few other destinations and finally settled on  Pinnacles National Monument.  It's about 90 miles away. 

We went there on 9/11 in 2002.  We wanted to go somewhere peaceful and away from all news broadcasts, not wanting to be deluged with "one year later" media coverage.  The trails were very interesting, but unfortunately it was about 100* that day, and I suffered a case if heat exhaustion while hiking up the mountain.  I hope I will do better this time.  Maybe we will take an easier trail! 

The temperatures are sure to be cool, if not cold! We might even have a bit of stormy weather.  But if we do we can just hunker down and be cozy.

So our next adventure is planned for this upcoming weekend. Reservations have been made. We will leave on Friday and come home on Monday.  

It looks like we will have a very nice spot.  It is rated for a 37' RV, and is quite near the visitors center and the shuttle bus stop. It only has a 30amp hookup with no water or sewer, But I think we will be just fine without.

There is a potable water spigot near our spot, I have been told it tastes terrible, so we have decided to fill our fresh water tank at home before we leave.  

Since bringing the motorhome down to the front drive is part of turning it around to get out, we will fill the water from the house.  I will have to go and buy an extra white hose so we can reach the gravity fill, but that's OK,  it's something we can use later if we want to flush our tanks.   

Now to plan what clothes to take and what we will be eating ...

And before I forget... Welcome new followers  Allen and Lolita, I look forward to getting to know you thru your blog and comments.


  1. Shorter trips are usually better. You don't get so tired, and feel more like seeing things. Even going places that are nearby can be a lot of fun when you're in your own RV. If you do decide to come to Oregon, come on up to Eugene and see us. We've got a big driveway. We're planning a little trip soon, so are struggling with some of those same issues.

  2. Sounds like you've made some nice weekend plans.

    There are so many destinations that are perfect weekend drives: Napa, Calistoga, Bodega Bay, Pismo and Jackson were among our favorites.

    Death Valley would be great for Thanksgiving! If you want something a bit less remote there are tons of great spots in the Palm Springs area.

    Our weekend jaunts were 20 to 200 miles from home. You have so many choices!


  3. Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

    I enjoyed reading all the comments on your accidental post. It was fun and I had to chime in too. Isn't it funny what happens in blogland?

  4. The last post "that wasn't" - it's so funny that it had so many comments. :)

    Your weekend trip sounds perfect. I tend to drive too much between stops, but I AM trying to end up somewhere (Arizona). I love the idea of traveling for an hour or so and then stopping. More time to enjoy yourselves.

  5. short trips are good..that is why we go to Fort Langley when the weather is good!..only twenty minutes and we are there!!!..perfection for a weekend away!!

  6. Wow! A weekend trip of that length means that hubby has a strong constitution. I might make it if my toad were also an ambulance.

  7. Enjoy your trip. Short trips for just a weekend is better. Gives you more time to enjoy.
    I am pulling out Thurs. just to see how she is doing after being parked for 7 mths. But staying close to home base.

  8. You will have a great time! Even small trips are there to refresh you and give you practice for the longer ones :)

  9. I agree with you. Short trips are better. 500 miles would take us 3 days just to get there!

    Have fun.

  10. Good idea to take the rig for a run every month. I just take it out for a 15 mile round trip jaunt. We only make one trip a year with it and that results in about 6,000 miles over about 6 months. Sounds like you have a nice trip planned.

  11. Sometimes the shortest posts have the greatest impact, and are fun! :)

  12. FIRST -==- go ahead and get that extra white hose, you may need it some time when your water source is farther away than usual, but DON'T even think about using it to flush out your tanks. (What we do is put a "Y" valve at the end of the white hose, which connects to our water filter then to a short white hose to the connection on the rig. The other side of the "Y" goes to a short other hose, with black tape at both ends, that connects to our flushing device.) Second -==- we have been to the Pinnacles area many times, hav e always enjoyed it. We stay that the Thousand Trails park just north of Pinnacles.

  13. Good idea on not going too far - especially when you have time constraints. The point is to get to know your RV. I always fill my water tanks before I leave home & use that water instead. I'm also really good at conserving water too though. But you never know what kind of water you are getting elsewhere! Filter it too if you don't already do that. And be sure to have a dog bone with you (a two way plug, 50amp on one end that you'd plug your 50amp cord into & 30amp on the other end so you can use the shore power at the park). I assume that your rig is 50amps that is.
    HAVE FUN!!

  14. I agree short trips are the way to go now but I think it is cool Craig is dreaming of awesome places to visit. :)

  15. While we were workinng we always enjoyed Seacliff in Capitola, right on the ocean and not too far away

  16. We are taking our first fall trip next week for four days, over Veterans Day weekend, going Only about 30 minutes from our home. Short drives let you come back rested, at least I hope so! Glad your getting out now that the trees are trimmed.

  17. short trips are great! Then you have lots of time to explore. Looking forward to hearing about your week end......OH....Death Valley was my fav place last winter....sooooo much to see and do.

  18. I also agree....short trips are best. You want to be able to enjoy yourself and not be so tired you can't. Karen is right...500 miles is a several day adventure.

  19. I haven't had time to read the comments so I'm not sure if this was mentioned. Was the fresh water tank properly cleaned out before you bought the RV or have you and Craig sanitized it?

    If not you may want to do so to be sure you can drink the water that comes from that tank, you never know how long it has been since it was last used. ;)

    Have fun this weekend!


  20. Oh, I take our rig out for a short 15 mile drive every 2 to 3 weeks over the winter to work the engine and genny.

    I actually enjoy doing it even though I freeze my butt off!




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