
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Wonder

I wonder whether the weather will be wonderful!

I'm pretty sure it won't be.

After almost five months with only one little rain storm, our weather is about to change.  Of course it is the weekend we want to camp, but that's really OK.

A cold storm front is moving thru, but it looks like the worst of it will be to the north.  So far, only a "chance of showers" is predicted for the weekend days in the Pinnacles National Monument area. But it is going to be quite cold!

I guess we will get to test our heating systems. I think we have both electric  and propane. And I had better dig up some warm clothes for both of us.

But,  it's really just about going somewhere and from what I read on other blogs, it's often all about the food!

We will not have a car along, so we will have to take everything we need  from the start.  I've planned the meals to be easy, but all things we like.

The following pictures are all from Google Images.

Friday night we will have a meal that goes back to our skiing days.  Whenever we had a motel room with a kitchenette we would stay in and have baked Brie with fruit, a baguette, and wine instead of going to a restaurant. They were some of the best nights.

Breakfast Saturday will be Ham Cheese and Apple Panini made with English Muffins.

If it's not raining we will hike them off!

Dinner Saturday will be my favorite Amylu Sweet Caramelized Onion Chicken burgers from Costco and Garlic Fries from Trader Joe's.


Sunday breakfast will be light and tasty. I'll bake a batch of Trader Joe's Mini Croissants.  

They are frozen and you just put them out to proof over night and bake in the morning.  So good and fresh.   A nice glass of OJ and some brewed coffee will warm us up.

I'm planning on cooking a nice Corned Beef dinner in the slow cooker on Sunday.  That way I'll have leftovers for dinner when we get home on Monday and I won't have to cook. The ribs I made last time worked out great.  The insert from the slow cooker fits nicely in the refrigerator. 

I am curious to see if the cabbage stinks up the Alfa.

Monday morning breakfast will be our usual weekend fare.  Something hearty to see us thru getting home and back into the driveway. Eggs over easy, toast or muffins, and a chicken  sausage. 

I'll probably pack a few cans of good soup and some salad fixings if we want a lunch.  But usually if we eat breakfast we skip lunch.  A couple of yogurts and some extra fruit for snacks would be good, and Craig will probably want something salty so I'd better pack chips and Cheetos as well.

We usually get more veggies in our meals than this lineup provides, but I'm trying to keep things easy.

So if the weather's not great, the food will be! 

One more day.  


  1. Yummy looking food, Merikay! Get a couple electric blankets. As long as you have electricity where you camp, they will help you keep warm. You can each set yours how you like it. We're going to try to beat the bad weather and head down the road on Sunday or Monday. Hope you have a great camping weekend!

  2. OMG! Sign me up!

    Whatever the weather, y'all will have fun!

  3. Looks like you have a good plan...getting the meals lined up is always a good idea. I didn't know about the Trader Joe's I'll have to go find some tomorrow!

  4. It all sounds good. Sometimes it so cozy inside when the weather is wet, windy or cold - or all three. As long as you're warm and have good food, you'll be good. And something to read, a deck of cards and Scrabble or Yahtzee. Fun!

    I didn't know about the Costco caramalized chicken burgers - yum! All your meals sound good. :)

  5. now that we are in florida we are going to miss our trader joes

  6. Okay, Merikay, you're making me feel like a slug in the cooking department. :) That Saturday morning breakfast sounds interesting. Tell me more! I'd like to show up on your doorstep for that.

  7. will you come cater our trips?

  8. This trip is sounding like fun! You really have the meals planned out. Good ideas!

  9. the food plans look yummy and it sure makes it easier when you are out and about to know that dinner is all planned!!

  10. Good plan, I love to go out in the MH when the weather is not so good. I love the sound of rain on the roof. Since I love to read I bring along a couple books. I made 2 breakfasts and 2 suppers for my trip and will make fresh things also. I leave tomorrow and will return either Sun or Mon. when ever I feel like it.

    Have fun and enjoy no matter what the weather brings.

  11. Keeping warm is the key. Bringing good books along is a great idea and helps pass some of those long hours if the weather is not co-operating.

  12. Well planned, you should have a good trip. You have given Lolita and I the idea to do the same next week when we go out. Have fun!

  13. It sounds like you are ready. Get your slow cooker ready and plug it in outside the RV. Works great in the summer to keep things cooler and will keep the cabbage smell out of the Alfa. I love that kind of dinner but you don't always want to smell it days later!

  14. Those meals sound fantastic! I need to learn how to plan meals ahead like you are doing. Sounds like a fun camping trip.

  15. You are making me want to Rv with you, great meal planning, I'm hungry thinking about it. Also you are making miss Trader Joes! Haven't been near one in awhile. :(

  16. Boy are you going to have some good meals on your trip! That panini sure looked good.


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