
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

46 years!

Today was our 46th wedding anniversary.  We didn't do anything special, other than sharing a bottle of champagne that we bought for New Years and never opened.

It was a good day, however.  I've been on edge for the last couple of weeks because I found a small lump in my breast. (I had breast cancer a few years ago and went thru surgery and radiation treatments.)
I had to change doctors and medical groups when I turned 65 last November.  Today I went to see a new Oncologist. From the time I discovered it and now, the lump went thru several changes that led me to believe it was a cyst.  The doc agreed with this and we are going to just "keep an eye on it" for a month or so.  I have a return appointment, but also the reassurance that I can be seen at any time if I feel I need it.

All of this has really "lightened" my mood.  I kept telling myself not to be upset about it, but until I discussed it with the doctor I couldn't help worrying.

Also on a positive note, we picked out a cultured marble shower enclosure with a glass door, and the tile for the middle bathroom.  The installer is coming tomorrow to look at the job.  A big step forward!  This bathroom has been torn up and non- functional for over ten years. Craig has been working on it now and then for the last two, but so many other things got in the way.

We aslo talked a little about a summer trip.  In the next few days I am going to look into reserving an RV spot at Crater Lake in Oregon for a couple of weeks.  Since there don't seem to be many "in the park" sites, and it is best in the high summer, it might be a good idea to try getting a reservation sooner rather than later.

Tomorrow will be another good day!  I don't have cancer again!


  1. Happy anniversary to you and Craig. So glad you talked things over with your doctor and got positive feedback. Do keep a close watch though, as I'm sure you will.

  2. Happy Anniversary. What a gift you received from your Dr. today. Crater Lake, I think is one of the most beautiful places in Oregon.... and there are lots of beautiful places in our beautiful state.

  3. Praise the Lord! And, happy anniversary. Ted and will celebrate our 56th in June.

    Leanne ( Laurie and George's Mom)

  4. I'm so happy to hear your news! Happy anniversary to you and Craig :)

  5. That's great news! What a relief for you.

  6. Happy Anniversary!

    I'm so glad you got good medical news. I thought something had been wrong with you! Glad to hear it turned out okay.

  7. Congratulations on 46 yrs -- that's quite an accomplishment these days! So glad you got checked out by the doc -- "it" coming back is a big fear, so go make those reservations and get out there & enjoy life!! God bless!

  8. Wonderful medical news, it seems! Happy anniversary to a couple of youngsters (we are coming up on our 52nd this year!).

    We haven't been to Crater Lake for several years, would love to be joining you this summer. Hope it isn't already too late to reserve a good spot up there!

  9. Happy Anniversary!

    I'll not comment on that other part, except to say the obvious, which is to keep an eye on it.

  10. happy 46th!!!..and good news about your medical issues!!

  11. Happy Anniversary and glad you got good news!!

  12. Happy anniversary to you and Craig. Glad your medical news is good. Should be a fun Oregon trip this summer and get away from the house repairs.

  13. Woohoo...God is good!!!

    Here's wishin' ya a very happy anniversary. Have fun celebratin' with the love of your life!!! 46...WoW, we just celebrated 39.

    God bless ya and have fun plannin' your great Oregon adventure!!! :o)

  14. Congratulations... on two great events!! We all are hoping the same thing for that return visit to the Dr. I'm glad you were able to find one to suit you with the change of insurance!

    When we visited Crater Lake, we stayed over at a campground at Diamond Lake. It's a bit of a drive to CL, but the campground was nice.

  15. I'm so glad your medical results were good and I pray they will stay that way.

    Good idea to reserve a site now for the summer. It should be beautiful in Oregon by then.

    Happy Anniversary!

  16. Happy Anniversary , great medical news and sounds like a great trip to look forward to.

  17. Congratulations on the anniversary - that's quite a run! You must have been very worried and I'm sure you'll keep on top of it just to make sure.

  18. Happy Anniversary to you and Craig!
    I am so happy you got a good report from your doctor. What a relief!!

  19. Happy Anniversary!!! And YAY on the no cancer thing! 2 big things to celebrate in one day -- it's a good day! And good idea on securing the reservations now.

  20. Wow, Merikay, quite a roller coaster. Glad to know you are ok though!

  21. Posted a comment the other day, but lost my internet connection, so it didn't go through. Just wanted to say Happy Anniversary to ya'll & I'm very glad to hear that you are OK!!


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