
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Going Great

We are now parked in Pasadena, a block away from our parade seats.  We went out for pizza with our daughter etc.  She has just dropped us off back here.  

Everything is going well.  

I hope to be able to post some pictures in the next few days, but we are seeing and doing so much that the experience takes precedence!

Tomorrow should be unbelievable.  The floats are so beautiful that they make me want to cry!

Our grandson just got glasses.  His mother brought them with her tonight.  I am looking forward to his reaction tomorrow when he can see so much better than before.

It is wonderful that his first day of improved vision should be this "eye candy" day!

One of the floats we saw being built today


  1. Oh it should be a delightful day! I remember my first day in glasses as a kid. Trees had actual leaves & not just green blurry things! Enjoy the day.

  2. Sounds like an exciting time, Enjoy!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. enjoy the parade tomorrow!!..maybe it will be on TV up here?..if so we will be sure to watch for you!!

  5. Sounds like you are having a lot of fun. Looking forward to the pics.

    Happy New Year!!

  6. I have never seen a Rose Parade in person. I hope you enjoy every minute of it. It should be a wonderful experience.

  7. How wonderful for you to be able to start the new year out there at the Rose Parade! That's always something we look forward to seeing on television each year, but have never been to in person. Enjoy your time there and make lots of great memories.

  8. Take lots of pictures of the parade and the Alfa at it's parking spot.

  9. Oh Wow! The Rose Parade. We saw it in person several years ago, not long before we retired. What a fine experience. And yes, it IS eye candy for sure. Glad you have been able to get into the background activities! And the day after the parade, you can go visit them where they are parked, so you can get close-up looks -- no riders, no movement, but the flowers still are gorgeous!

  10. Just checking in...sounds like it is going great!! Enjoy!

  11. You must be having the time of your life! Now full-timing is definitely on your horizon, isn't it!?

  12. You guys are really doing it! You're out there enjoying life and family in your RV! Super duper! Dreams do come true, don't they?


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