
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Too much to blog about

It is now 2:41 A.M.  I am awake and at the table in the Alfa.  I am never awake at this hour at home.  There I have disciplined myself to stay in bed if I wake up.  Oh, I do get up for a few minutes for a drink of water and a visit to the bathroom, but I don't "do" anything like read or look at the computer.

The last few days have been going by so fast, that except for a quick read of a few blogs,  I have had very little time or energy,] for the computer.

Pictures?  Give Craig a digital camera and he will shoot a couple hundred shots in a day.  Who has time to process or even look thru that many images?  I haven't had time to look at the few I have taken.

Is all of this bad?  No.  Living is so much better than sitting around the house dreaming!

Someday, after we get back home, I will have time to review the picture folders. 

But not tonight!

Yesterday morning we left the KOA and drove 20 miles to the Alfa repair shop called Alfateers.  When Alfa went under, the employees formed this repair center company and specialize in fixing Alfas.

We had a very long list of work that we want done.  We decided not to trust what La Mesa told us about maintenance, and are having everything checked out here.  We also are having the seals on the slide replaced, and some EternaBond applied to the top edge of the slide to prevent further leakage. We know the bill will be steep, but we want things done right!

So far they have solved two problems, the electrical and the tank sensors, by simply finding loose wires.  We had a problem filling the fresh water tank, and they found a kinked hose in the line.

As at many RV service centers, we have been able to park overnight with a 50 amp hookup.  This week there are five rigs with their owners staying in them.  We all gather at a picnic area while our Alfas are taken back into the work areas. At the end of the day they are brought back out and reparked and connected up for us.

The other couples have been quite friendly.  Tonight we had a bit of a party celebrating that we would all be moving on tomorrow.  One couple had driven cross country from South Carolina just to bring their rig to Alfateers. They are having extensive remodeling done and a full body paint job on the outside. They will fly back home and leave the Alfa here for several months.  I asked why they came all this way, and couldn't they have gotten the work done on the East coast somewhere.  Their answer was that they wanted it all done right and this was "the place!"

Yesterday we took the rental car and went to the Getty Museum.  Another of my long list of places I have always wanted to see!  The art was amazing of course, but the building and garden design was also a feast of fantastic views.

Banner on the wall

Patio at the Getty

Our repairs should be done tomorrow, and they will be giving her a wash and cleaning the carpets as a bonus free service.  (Nothing is really free, but it won't be a line item on the bill!)

We have a good feeling about this place and the people who work here!

Yawn!  No editing ... just publish and go back to bed!


  1. It does sound like you have found a good place to work on your Alfa.

    Rest up and then get started with the blog updates...we're anxious to see and hear about your adventures!

  2. I agree with Karen. Maybe a couple of pictures of the parade?

  3. Sometimes our best muse calls on us to write in the night. I remember waking up at 3:00am one morning, dashing out to the computer to write a blog. Suzy got a picture of me in my red jammie pants, so I put that into the blog. Got a lot of comments on that one picture!

  4. Sounds like a good choice going to Alfateers over La Mesa. Having worked for Alpha they should know your rig well. Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip. I did like Craig on our trip and got carried away with so many pictures. I need to edit them today so I can write my blog.

  5. Sounds like you are having a great time. Can't wait to see pictures.

  6. As long as you're "alive and kickin'", there's no huge need for pictures.
    I'm sure the Alfateers will do very well, if folks are willing to drive across the entire continent to have work done. Sounds like it truly is "the place".

  7. So glad you are living your dream. We watched a program on how they build the floats for the Rose Parade and it was simply amazing. To see those things in person must have been a real once in a lifetime experience. When you have time, would love to see some pictures. In the meantime, keep living the dream. Glad you have a great place to get repairs done.

  8. I would also love to see your pix when you get a chance to go through them. Sounds like that place has a great reputation. It always feels so much better when you can have confidence in the work being done.

    Haha I did my first "up in the middle of the night" blog not that long ago. Must be going around. :)

  9. Sounds like you have certainly found a great shop meant just for your list! Now you know where to head to in the future!!

    We'll be here waiting when you get to boring home and have some time to check out Craig's photo's and maybe share some!

  10. Sounds like you found the right place to take of your Alfa. Hope all is done to your standards and you are ready for travel!

  11. Wow, that sounds really cool. I've often thought if we had RV camps around the country where we all could get together & help each other would be fun too.


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