
Monday, February 20, 2012

Still Here

I'm still here...

I'm reading all of your posts ....

I've written a few of my own, but then delete them because they don't make much sense, like this one, or are more negative than I want to be.

Not much is happening here.

We hope to take a short trip  soon...

I'm still here ...


  1. I am still here too..I know exactly how you feel...the winter doldrums have set in.. :(

  2. Thankfully there are computers, the internet and blogs (among other things) or I for one would go off the deep end.
    Hang in there.

  3. I miss your posts Merikay. I always enjoy reading what you are up to, and when you're traveling, you were too busy to post then either. :)

  4. Hey. good to hear from you, Merikay. Hang in there, February is always a bit of a doldrum month most anywhere, except maybe Key West.

  5. I know my life isn't very interesting right now -- it will change:)

  6. We are still here, also, but that doesn't mean life isn't exciting. Suzy has lost over 40 pounds since starting her surgery routine, and she's so excited! She's now getting into a little bit of different foods, and she says they all taste like nectar from the gods! And I'm deeply into my new assignment as secretary of the Board of Directors, so there's no time to be bored. Also, not much time to read or write blogs!

  7. I write and delete posts or they linger in my drafts folder. Sometimes I think what I write is not interesting enough. Sometimes, I just like to post pics. I want my blog to be a journal of my travels.

  8. I'm with you, Merikay! I haven't written in over two weeks. We are doing the same 'ole, same 'ole. But getting closer to reaching the finish line. You will be fine and I look forward to reading your blog when you choose it's time to write.

  9. Nothing happening in our world right now except Jim healing. But sure am glad to hear you're still around and everything is okay even if it's just sorta. Just remember - that even in our full timing lives we have down times as well.

  10. You're in a sunny place, right? But, that's not everything - short days can still take their toll.

    The Good Luck Duck

  11. Boy we know that feeling. Miss your regular posts.

  12. That's ok, it gives me a chance to catch up! ;-)

  13. Us, too. We did our taxes, and then planned our big trip this summer/fall (Colorado for 2 months, then New York for our son's wedding, then North Carolina, then Florida, then finally home ---thousands and thousands of miles at these horrendous gas prices), and realized we'll be staying put until then unless we take a really short trip to the Sierras. So my quilting blog will get all the action for a while!

  14. Glad to hear from you even if nothin's happenin'!


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