
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Summer Trip Plans!

Got out of the doldrums yesterday and made reservations for the "key" week of our summer Oregon trip.  I knew we wanted to go to Crater Lake and I've been looking at several RV parks in the area.  I had hoped to be able to get a spot in the park, but it seems there are none (or at least very few) with hook ups.  We could do without water and sewer, but without solar, we consider an electric hook up essential.  After we have some experience, this may not be true, but as newbies we want power and WiFi!

From what I have read, Crater Lake can still be closed in late June if the weather is bad.  So we have booked a spot for the first week of July.  Of course it will include the fourth.  Since I want to take at least a week to get there, stopping at Lassen National Park along the way, we would end up spending the fourth at some RV park anyway.  So it might as well be there!

Now that I've got that week reserved, I can plan the route up and back.  I hope to leave the return plans very, very open with several options.  We went to Washington and back in two weeks a few years ago in a rented RV.  I feel we went too far in to short a time.  I want to explore and relax more this time. 

Sue and Mo of "The Moho and Other Traveling Tales" have invited us to meet up with them for some Kayaking while we are in the Klamath area.  I very excited about that!  Craig tried to get me to try kayaking several times, but I was reluctant.  Now that I have seen so many others that really enjoy it, I'm eager to give it a try. (Although I can swim, I have always had a bit of fear of lake water.  I'm OK in swimming pools, but don't like water weeds or murky water.  It's not a big deal, I'm less uneasy than I was years ago.)

One big "bummer" is we don't have a towed.  I am planning on one of us driving the Prius and one the Alfa.  That's another good reason to take our time coming home.  We can travel a shorter distance, park and explore together in the Prius.  Or travel a bit farther, stay at a park for a few days and drive the area. We have no experience doing things that way, but we will learn as we go. 

Someday we will trade the Prius in on a car that can be towed.  At first we thought we might dolly it like fellow bloggers The Good Luck Duck gals, but have concluded that was not the best way to go.  We like the economy and the drive of the Prius.  As long as we are house-bound, we will probably keep it.  My ride is a 1995 Safari Van. We will continue to need it for hauling  things as long as we are here. 

For now It feels good to have a trip to plan. After I post this I'm going to do some more research on RV parks we might stay at before or after Crater Lake.

We were going to go somewhere with the Alfa this week, but the trip got put on hold.  We are having some work done on the house by someone else, and we want to be here.  This is the week they were available, so we will stay home! 

I don't mind the delay if it means progress on the house.  Maybe we will get away at the end of next week or the week after.  Sometime soon I hope! The Alfa needs to get out!

Craig keeps working on things. He wants to do so much, and I just don't see when it will all get done. 

 We have  different ideas about how much to do, and how to do it.

I'm pretty sure we will see another winter here, but hopefully we will take a couple of trips during the year. I'm really hoping the real estate market will be better in spring or summer of 2013.  This is such an odd house, it will take a very special buyer.


  1. Great to hear your plans are coming together. Should be a beautiful time to be in that area. Good for you deciding to give kayaking a try. Well we are starting to feel your pains in getting our house ready for sale also, new things to be fixed keep popping up.

  2. Glad to hear you're sounding more upbeat. Making plans and dreaming of future trips will do that for you :)

    Your trip sounds great, and I'm looking forward to traveling along with you. We've never been to that part of the country. It's on my list of places to go, so I'll enjoy following along with you.

    Hang in there, the house will get done and sold in due time!

  3. Isn't planning fun? :) I am enjoying the planning for our summer trips as well.

  4. Crater Lake is on our list of must see's..maybe in summer 2013??

  5. I'm glad you're able to plan things out. Ronda is going to have surgery in March so we're waiting to see how that goes before making any plans for RV'ing this year.

    Have fun!


  6. You will like kayaking. I don't like water where I can't see my feet either..but my feet never get wet in the kayak (usually not!)

    Crater Lake is a spot I want to show George too.

  7. Planning is fun but doing is better! Getting your house market ready can be a chore, but at least you'll be able to get out for short trips - and don't they say practice makes perfect ;-)

  8. I've been plotting our trip back to Montana in May and June. I do all the planning and just tell Jim where to go. And you do have electricity even without hookups because you have a generator. We don't have solar and boondock for weeks. I was very intimidated at first also but after the first time there's nothing to it. We just need you to practice it.

  9. Sounds like plans are coming along. Hope you get to see lots in Oregon. If you're anywhere near Eugene, give us a holler.

  10. It's fun to plan! I can say that because Eldy does all the planning! We loved Oregon and know you will, too! Kayaking is a BLAST! Just don't lean over sideways like Eldy did his first time out trying to go under a bridge. PLOP! into the water he went!

  11. I was in the doldrums last week myself -- happy both of us are doing better this week. Would like to try kayaking but I don't swim so I would be very scared. Selling a house can be stressful -- keep your sights on the goal and try to keep it simple. Looking forward to the ride with you on your trip this summer.

  12. Planning that summer trip is a great way to cheer yourself up. Sounds like you have a solid plan!

  13. Your trip sounds like a lot of fun! Yes, take your time & enjoy it all.

  14. Good idea, driving the Prius. That will allow you to see a lot more than you might otherwise. Crater Lake is always crowded with people, but if you can get away from the lodge area, it's not bad. You will have a wonderful time. If you can talk Craig into hiking down to the water, there is a boat trip that you can sign up for. I think you'd like that!

  15. Good plans.
    BTW your test would not work. It said error.

  16. Planning a trip is always fun.

    When we were prepping the house for sale, we both had different ideas on how much we wanted to do. As it turned out, we got it sold pretty quick and we also had to find "just the right buyer." You'll get there.

  17. You might want to consider what we did. We interviewed real estate brokers asking for a p.o.a. - plan of action to sell our house. As we walked through, we told them our remodeling and fixing-up plans and they expressed their opinions on what would be good to sell the house and what was unnecessary. It really helped us develop our p.o.a. A third party does help when spouses have many differing opinions. In our case, we had three third parties.

  18. Yeah! A plan! Did you get a big adrenalin rush from it!!! It certainly sounds like you both are jumping right in to the RV lifestyle and getting the house done and on the road. I was wondering, have you consulted a Realtor for an opinion of what actually needs to be done to the house to make it sellable? That might help with what does and does not really have to be done. Just a thought...

  19. I'm jealous that you may get to go kayaking with Sue and Mo! :)

  20. Having a plan is good but as many have stated ask a Realitor's opinion because they may surprise and say the house is ready for the market now.

    Another thing to look at is maybe trading the prius towards a towable so you'd have it ready for your trip.

    If you took the RV out for an exercise run before the trip it might not want to go back in the driveway, I'm sure it has Hitchitch too.

    It's about time.


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