
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Half Way

In January, according to the age and height weight charts, I was 44 pounds overweight. Thats well into the "obese" category!

  Losing 44 pounds seemed an impossible goal, so I just tried to improve my eating habits and hoped the weight would melt away. 

 It has! 

I've  lost
 22 pounds.

Half way there.  

 The first ten pounds just disappeared at the rate of three or four pounds a week.  

The next ten were harder, but I did manage to lose about two pounds a week.  

But it has taken three weeks to drop the last two pounds!

I think my body is telling me it is time to relax a bit and just maintain my current weight.  I have read that if you lose weight to fast your  metabolism resets to prevent starvation.

 For the next few weeks, the only thing that I will change are my expectations.  

  I intend to continue to count and log my calories and fiber grams. I will continue to try to stay around 1500 calories a day and aim for as much fiber as I can.  I will also still continue to exercise every day. I've been on the treadmill every morning. It feels good  and gets me going.  Now that it has stopped raining, I might get out for some real walks.

Of course, if I lose a few more pounds, I won't be unhappy!  But if I don't I won't beat myself up about it and get depressed.

 I miss a few things. Including wine, potatoes, cheddar cheese, hamburgers, and ice cream. On the other hand, the smell of fast food is almost noxious. 

I have discovered so many new recipes. Food that is not soaked in grease or butter, great vegetarian entrees, and new grains like bulgar. Love that tabouli.

 I have also started to think of the "meat" portion of a meal as small and secondary, instead of begin "what's for dinner." Often no meat is included in my meal plans, and that has become OK. 

 Fortunately, I do not need to go out and buy new clothes. Most of my wardrobe has always been stretchy, and still fits just fine. Actually my clothes are fitting the way they should fit,  instead of being to tight! 

 I know I am still "overweight" by 22 pounds, but if I don't lose another ounce in the near future it will be OK.  I have three weeks until I get new blood work.  I wonder what my blood sugar will look like.  I know I eat more fruit than might be recommended. We shall see.

 Healthy eating is the goal.  It is not second nature yet, but hopefully it will be someday!

I feel very lucky to have a healthy body.  I know I should cherish each day and make the most of my time.  I don't always do that.  But I've been trying.


  1. Good for you! Tomorrow is the start of week 3 for me. I will step on the scale in the morning. I have been eating new, healthier meals and feel great!

  2. Great Job, but don't go overboard on the fruits as they have a lot of natural sugars. Once you start the weight loss it will continue to happen as long as you keep tabs of what you are eating.

    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Well done!!! Exercise is good to go along with that, so glad you've been doing that as well.

  4. Good for you - that's not an easy lifestyle change and you seem to be doing well with it.

  5. Congratulations. You have done really, really well.

    I have a weight loss program that involves going into a kind of maintenance mode for 2 weeks after 4 weeks losing weight. The idea is it gives your body a chance to catch up with itself and lowers your 'set point'

    A Set Point is where your body thinks it should be, rightly or wrongly, and will act as though you are starving it with increased hunger to help you bounce right back up there. That's one of the reasons so many people end up to be yo-yo dieters.

    To take a break now seems like a very good idea so long as you maintain your current loss. Then after a few weeks you can attack the last few pounds with renewed enthusiasm.

    I'm almost a professional weight loser so full of wise and not so wise advice.


  6. Congratulations. You have done really, really well.

    I have a weight loss program that involves going into a kind of maintenance mode for 2 weeks after 4 weeks losing weight. The idea is it gives your body a chance to catch up with itself and lowers your 'set point'

    A Set Point is where your body thinks it should be, rightly or wrongly, and will act as though you are starving it with increased hunger to help you bounce right back up there. That's one of the reasons so many people end up to be yo-yo dieters.

    To take a break now seems like a very good idea so long as you maintain your current loss. Then after a few weeks you can attack the last few pounds with renewed enthusiasm.

    I'm almost a professional weight loser so full of wise and not so wise advice.


  7. That's awesome, Merikay. Your body thanks you. I've been trying to lose some weight all winter. I thought I wasn't eating that much, but couldn't lose. Two weeks ago I started writing it down and trying to stay at 1,200 calories a day. I've lost 3.5 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm going to keep writing it down. It really helps. Good luck with your goal. I also like fruit. I've been trying to replace some of it with veggies every day.

  8. Great going, Merikay! You have a winning attitude and that is essential. Isn't it fun to discover new, healthy recipes? If you find them on the internet, why not have a Pinterest Board for Healthful Recipes?

  9. Merikay that is awesome! I need to use you as inspiration. I'm good with the exercise but my diet needs lots of work. You have as the say "taken the bull by the horns" in order to get healthy and that is exactly what I need to do. Thanks for the motivation and I know you will meet your goal. :)

  10. Good for you Merikay!! I so need to follow your example!! I must admit I have gained way too much weight and it is not good for me. Keep up the good work!!

  11. You go girl! Very good job :-)

    Good idea to take a break - the trick is to not go right back to the old bad habits. But it sounds like you have that well in hand.

    On my last weight loss my blood sugar was pre-diabetic (6.3). After losing 25lbs following a careful diet my blood sugar was down to a healthy 5.7. And I was eating a minium of 4-5 fruits a day (as per the diet instructions). I did eat lots of vegetables and legumes, and only 1 serving of whole grains / day. I've heard that the sugar from fruit is not as bad as other sugars, especially as it is paired with the fibre from the fruit. I think things like white bread, potatoes and white rice are much worse.

    good luck and give yourself a big pat on the back - and maybe treat yourself to an almost skinny outfit!

  12. That's great Merikay! I'm trying to eat healthier too, but it's tough when you live with someone who lives on starches and cheese. Trying to help him eat healthier too, but need to be creative since he's not a veggie fan. At least we've gotten to whole grain bread.

    I think your focus on eating healthier is a great way to go. And remember those charts are pretty generic...

  13. 22 pounds is really really amazing! Strive for healthy...skinny will come! I think you should reward yourself with one glass of wine a week...


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