
Friday, April 13, 2012

Trader Joe's Does it Again!

Anyone who has read my blog knows I'm a big Trader Joe's fan. If we ever do get to go on the road, our Alfa will be well stocked with Joe's goodies, and we are very encouraged to see new locations around the country being added.

I particularly like their vacuum packed  items, both frozen and refrigerated because they can be kept for future meals.  Although I have given up all wine, their Charles Shaw $2.00 wines were a good buy.

The other day as we were checking out at our local Trader Joe's I spotted a display of FIBERFUL fruit bars.  In the mood for a little snack I read the label and immediately bought a couple.

 I thought "If these things tasted at all good they were a real find!"  And they did, just a little something to counter that urge to get a candy bar or if at home reach for the cookies.

FIBERFUL bars are a 7 oz. fruit "leather" made with unsweetened dried fruit, psyllium, flax seed and inulin.  Having never heard of inulin before I Googled it.  It seems there are pluses and minuses to it, and absolute food purists may say no.  Best to read about it yourself.

But for me, they are a find.  60 calories, 14 g carbs, 6 g fiber, tasty, and only $.59 each.

On the RV front.  We have decided to cancelled our trip next week because of some unexpected material costs on the home improvement projects.  Skipping the trip was my idea.  The weather is "iffy" next week anyway. 

On the subject of a towed:  I think we are just going to get new tires for the Prius.  Craig is too busy to think about car shopping right now, and he was encouraged by the fact that Annie said she heard Prius batteries rarely need replacement.


  1. I like the sound of those fruit bars Merikay. I've been thinking about sustainability though related to a lot of trader jo products. They are often inexpensive but many come from so far away. I think about what it took to get a jar of jam from France to the U.S. I don't know. I use to be such an avid fan of TJ's.

  2. We had never been near a TJ's until we were in the Raleigh-Durham area. We too love TJ's. We will look for those bars the next time we come across TJ's. BTW, my husb has lost 13 lbs -- me, almost 5. His last blood work was fantastic, so our new way of eating appears to be working!

  3. Our first TJ was in Indianapolis in 2003... since then we've found one in Columbus, Ohio; Tucson, AZ; ABQ,NM; La Quinta, CA; and probably a few others. TJ is my favorite store... in fact... you've made me crave those dark chocolate covered almonds that they sell (they're located above the freezer aisles).... I even just walking INTO a TJs... the cut flowers await you!

  4. Too bad about your trip but I'm sure you'll have some good getaways once the weather warms up. I too like Trader Joe's, even though I don't go very often.

  5. TJ's sounds like fun. Like Levonne, we try to be conscious of our "food miles," while also thinking about animal sources, sugar, and fat ... ARRRRRRGGGHH! This is why we're losing weight, because we can't buy any food! :D I'm sure we'll find some acceptable choices, if we ever find a TJ's.

  6. w/r/t jars of jam from France, on the other side of the scales from energy consumption for transport: the more intertwined commerce is among the countries of the world, the less wars are likely among them.

  7. I've never been to a Trader Joe's, but have heard great things about them. We don't have them here.

  8. I sure wish you guys could have made your trip out next week but sometimes things don't go as planned. Haven't ever been to a TJ's. Really must check it out sometime.

  9. The closest Trader Joe's is just south of here in Nazareth. We may take a ride down there soon!

  10. I keep hearing wonderful things about TJ but we don't have one here in Florida.

  11. I really miss Trader Joe's after coming home as we don't have them around here - too bad!

  12. Those fruit bars look like just the thing to keep in your purse. It is hard to find things without tons of added sugar. I wonder if I can get them here?


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