
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Big Job" Progress #1

Craig spent four or five days working on the repair and painting of the four foot section below the dining room windows. 

He scraped, Bondo'ed, sanded, caulked, primed, and painted while sitting comfortably on the wood ledge below them.  

He gets to the ledge by crawling out one of the end windows. Although the wood of the ledge looks weathered, he says it is sound.

This is the "after" picture on the section he has done, as well at the ledge he has been perched on.

Meanwhile, I've moved my sewing machine down from upstairs to the dining room so I can be available to pass him tools and materials as he works.

Sewing keeps my mind and my hands occupied while he's out there.

The only thing I sew are pajamas for Craig. I usually make him one new pair a year.  Craig likes 100% cotton PJ's, but we find the ones commercially available never fit quite right. He is 5'6" and on most of them the arms and legs are too long.  Rather than buying PJ's and remodeling them, I have modified a pattern that I use over and over.  

When the local fabric store has a  sale we go together and he picks out  fabrics he likes. 

This  time he picked out  four great materials. 

The top one (red, blue, yellow, and black) is really fun!  It reminds me of the dishes Al and Kelly from Bayfield found for their new Southwest winter home.

There will be a fashion show when I'm finished! I told him I'm going to put at least two of them away for when we are full timing.  I really don't want to carry a sewing machine along.  There will be storage!


  1. Wow, those are gonna be some crazy looking PJs. Never been one for PJs myself, tried the PJ program a long, long time ago and thought I was being strangled. This was also long before I was married, so it had to be the PJs.

    Thank-you. Thank-you.
    I'm here all night, be sure and tip your server.

  2. The blue material reminded me of my hospital gown a couple days ago. I like the colorful top left best & I am a 100% cotton kind of guy myself. Yep, even got the short legs too.......

  3. Love the fabric! You'll be able to find him in the dark :)

  4. Tell him not to step back to look at his work..

  5. Glad to hear that railing is secure. It did look a bit fragile.

    Nice fabric...waiting for the fashion show.

  6. Nice progress and looking good. I would have to say that I would prefer the cotton also as far as PJ's.

  7. Can't wait to see the fashion show! Could Craig use that ledge as his modeling runway?? :)

  8. Will there be music with the fashion show? Love the colors!

  9. You'll have to try your video skills when Craig models his new PJs. Make sure he does the model walk! Looks like he is making progress on the big project.

  10. Just think, you'll never have to paint those windows again. PJ making, however, you might not get out of that so easily. ;c)

  11. I would be a wreck worrying about Craig out on that ledge. I hate it when Jim is on the roof of the RV. But love that material and am definitely looking forward to the fashion show.

  12. Thank goodness Craig made it through the painting with no mishaps. He is done up there, right? Freaked me out.

    That's so nice - a wife sewing her husband's PJs. That's something you don't hear anymore. :)

  13. I would not do well with Harry out on a ledge like that!! Hopefully that part of the job is done. :)

  14. Funky pj's! He's lucky that you are so talented.

    Your house looks awesome. The dining room looks like there is so much light, and with the trees outside it's like a treehouse. Very cool.

    What? No room for a sewing machine!

  15. HI Merikay's,
    Just found your blog. I am not quite out there yet either, but I'm working on it. Love the wall heads and thakns for the directions. That is something I would have jumped on real fast (before I decided to quite woth the projects) but I will pass it along to a couple of your mothers which would find it a fun project. My blog, such as if is


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