
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Introducing another Blogger

I'd like to introduce  another Blogger.

He is not an Rver now, but he would love to  go on the road someday.

His passion is making video's of his adventures.  

He recently took a short trip to Yellowstone from his home in Seattle, and is now working on a series of Episodes about the trip. 

I think they are going to be wonderful.

He goes by the name "Joko" (his real name is Gil).

He is my son.

Stop by  Thirst, and see Yellowstone thru his eyes.

Tell him: "Mom sent you!"  


  1. Very cool videography! Artistic family, huh? :)

  2. Thanks for the lead to the new blog, Merikay. We'll make sure to tell him that "Mom sent us"!

  3. I stopped there to leave a comment. I can't watch too many videos because of my air card and an iffy connection.

  4. Sounds great, Merikay..but we have to watch our data, we are so close every month and over more times than we would like to be. When we get good free wi-fi, we'll check it out. Yellowstone is one of our FAVORITE places!

  5. Wow! Thanks, Mom, and thanks to all your RV friends for stopping by! Having slept in my vehicle for at least half of the trip, I feel a little bit bonded to the tribe of folks who carry their homes with them on the road!


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