
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Comment Changes

I don't understand ...  A couple of the blogs I follow have changed their comment forms.  They now have what looks like a second copy of their post in a smaller window at the bottom of their blog.  I cannot find the comment link.  I see comments, but I'm not sure how to enter mine.

Any helpful information?
One of them is Harry and Jessica's Blog.  I don't see an email either.


  1. No idea. Maybe if you told us which blog somebody like Rick could jump in and help you out.

  2. Merikay, I just went to their blog and you just have to scroll down until you see the box. It is weird I guess its part of the new blogger. OH why can't they leave things alone.

  3. Hi Merikay, I switched to the embedded comments type because that's the only way to get the reply button so that I can reply to a comment someone has left. If you click the "comments" link and then scroll to the bottom, there should be a box there that says "Enter your comment".

    Hope this helps!! :)

  4. I went to their blog and found the comments right where they always were ???

  5. I use the same format too. Unless your computer is glitching & not giving you the entire page or scroll bar?
    Mine keeps opening closed windows - grrrr

  6. I also went to their blog and found nothing unusual at all. I haven't had any problems with the new blogger either other than just having to look for the new location of a particular feature.

  7. Jessica and Harry's blog looked normal when I checked. Any more info to go on?

  8. Sometimes the browser superimposes post content over the comments and the commenting box; try refreshing your screen and then scrolling down. When I opened they link you inserted, it looked normal to me.

  9. Merikay,

    I'm catching up with you finally! I just wanted to thank you for your thoughtful comments on my blog. So many people have said that X didn't work out but then Y came along and changed their lives for the better. I believe it now. And you are SO right: love is a good place to start. Best to you and Craig.


  10. I too have trigger finger on my right hand and I am right handed. Had no idea what it was. Started hurting me Dec. 2011. Went to Dr. He was puzzled too. I came home and googled it and figured out what it was. It doesn't hang up and I have found out if I put my hand in very warm water for a few minutes it feels OK. Now it comes and goes. But the strange thing I have noticed I feel it after eating beans! Go figure.


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