
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Projects Done and a Weight Loss Milepost

Craig has been working hard on the house since we go back from our trip to Crater Lake. These are just two of the projects we have finished up:

It may not look exciting, but we are pleased to have had the wall rebuilt and a new door installed in the smaller garage-storage area in the back of the house.

For years it has been half open and an access point for rodents and bats.  Not a lot of bats, but bats nonetheless!  By closing the door area and several holes in the walls we have successfully shut them out!  

Craig has also finished the LAST of the outdoor painting!  We did hire some professionals to paint the very highest area of the dining room cantilever, but he wanted to do the walkway himself.  It required a bit of rebuilding, sanding, heavy screws, Bondo, sanding, priming, and two coats of paint.  Each step required moving the 20' ladder several times. I am so glad to see it done!  I have to say I really worried about him every hour he was out there.

We will still need to do some rework on several places around the outside of the house, but that is normal maintenance type of work. Next major outdoor job will be to sand and stain the decks.  Like everything else around here, there is a lot of deck to do!

My accomplishment for the month?  My Saturday weigh-in showed I have lost 40 pounds! Almost 20% of my body weight since the end of January!  I had a slowdown in July, but at that time I was really just trying to maintain.  I went back to keeping a food log at the beginning of August, and it has helped me avoid eating pitfalls.  Somehow for me, if I have to write down everything I eat, I do much better than if I jut try to make good choices each meal.

The BMI (Body Mass Index) chart tells me I am still 5 pounds overweight.  But that is a lot better than 45!

My blood sugar has also gone down to a point where I am no longer considered a Type 2 diabetic.  


I'm in San Diego this week visiting my daughter and the grandsons.  They said they almost didn't recognize me standing at the curb at the airport.  But they knew it was me because I had on an animal print shirt and was pulling a leopard suitcase!


  1. A leopard suitcase? Wow!

    Congrats on the milestone!

  2. Nicely done, Merikay. That is quite an accomplishment.

  3. Congrats on your milestone, Merikay! You are amazing! I remember the photos of Craig on that catwalk and how worried you were. So glad it is all done and spiffy. Another milestone for you.

  4. Wow,that's terrific! You both are doing a great job, both on the house and the healthy way of eating.

  5. Good work for the both of you. Progress takes time and you're making lots of it. :c)

  6. Good work for the both of you. Progress takes time and you're making lots of it. :c)

  7. Great job with making yourself healthier along with the weight loss. You should change your "about me" picture on the blog.

  8. Merikay! What a wonderful thing you have done for yourself. You should be very proud of yourself. Whenever you feel yourself slipping try to remember back to how you felt way back then, and how you feel now in your new svelte self!

  9. yay! All that weight gone and you have some wonderful Pluses in the side-benefits, too.


  10. congrats to you on the weight loss!

  11. Lot to learn from you! congrats and thanks for the share! Weight Loss Wordpress Template

  12. AWESOME Merikay! time for a new profile picture!

  13. Congratulations on the weight loss. That's an awesome accomplishment and so excellent for your health. You look great. Kudos to Craig for all of his hard work. You guys are working so hard!

  14. Way to go Merikay! Nice work on the house, Craig.

  15. Oh that's great Merikay! Oh what's 5 pounds anyhow compared to 45. Yay, we're proud of you!! And I think logging what you eat is a smart idea.
    The house looks great - good job Craig!
    I used to power wash my decks, then restain them. Much easier than sanding them down.

  16. Congrats on the weight loss, doesn't it feel good too, not just the way you feel because you just FEEL better, but the feeling of accomplishment? Take Care

  17. Way to go my shrinking friend! And to the hubby too for keeping out the vermin and himself from harms way!


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