
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sunset Sailing in San Diego

On Monday afternoon I hopped a plane down to San Diego to spend a week with my daughter and my grandsons.  Her current Au Pair leaves on Wednesday and the new Au Pair arrives on Friday.  Although her husband will be home, my daughter has to go out of town for a few days as well.  Good time for a Grandma visit.  

As an "end of her stay" treat for their Au Pair they chartered a 35' sailboat for a sunset cruise around the bay.

I didn't take a picture of the boat itself, but this is the galley. It 
reminded me of an RV!

This is the last two weeks before school starts.  

I think my grandson needs a haircut soon!

We had a picnic dinner onboard and enjoyed watching the sunset. The weather was absolutely beautiful, and we sailed until after dark. 

My grandsons are growing up so fast, I'm happy to be able to see them from time to time.  I wish we lived in the same city.


  1. Did the English sheepdog influence that's evident on your grandson's picture come from your side or your son-in-law's?

  2. What a nice outing. The sunset picture is awesome.

  3. what a great way to spend the afternoon!..beautiful sunset you captured!

  4. What a fun thing to do and a great way to spend time with your family.

  5. Ah-Ha... there's that comment about living in the same city! So how would that work once you're full-timing? We live 35 miles from our 4 grands (who are all less than 4 years old btw) and about 3 months is the max for being away for me! Then I need a visit full of hugs and kisses and lap-sits! I realize yours would have different activities when you visit, but you will still need to get back there to see them!!!

    And my Mom said the same thing about my boys once or twice in her life time... to me, it's just hair and an expression of themselves for the period of their life in which they currently live! Go with it Granny! LOL


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