
Thursday, October 11, 2012


There was a song that went "It never rains in California..."

Sometimes it seems true.  For us, here in the Santa Cruz Mountains just south of San Francisco, it doesn't rain from late May or early June, to October.  Then it will rain on and off until spring comes again.  

I get pretty used to clear weather, and don't think about working around rain until it starts.

On Tuesday I started the huge deck rail sanding project mentioned in my last post. I stopped work when the clouds started building up and the wind blew cold.
It didn't start to rain until late that night.  Wednesday was pretty dry, and I was again able to work in the afternoon for a while until it started to thunder quite loudly.  We rarely get thunder storms, so it was a bit unnerving.

Today is Thursday.  It rained quite hard in the night and everything is very wet outside.  No sanding today.

As luck would have it, I got an order for a Large Moose yesterday, so I worked on him today.  The animal head business has been dreadfully slow all summer.  I have had several international orders, but when I send the customer a shipping estimate they have backed off.  Oh well,  I feel like I had a very good run with it, and it might be time to hang up the old glue gun and retire.  

Well, I'll make the moose first.  It will buy a tank of fuel if we hurry up and fill up  before the prices rise much more!

Craig did find and buy a larger belt sander, but he too must wait for things to dry out again.  He happily took the day off today to listen to the baseball games. 

Rain is good.  It means the end of the wildfire season for another year, and when you live in the forest that is a relief.

Do you like the fall change of weather where you are?


  1. I like early fall, but it doesn't last long enough. Our lows are in the 40s these nights and dropping fast. If the temps even stayed in the 60s into November, I would enjoy the season so much more. :)

  2. I like most of the change to cooler temps, but it also brings an influx of mice looking for a cozy place to set up residence. :(

  3. What is fall? we seem to be missing some season's here on the Texas gulf coast. I have to read blogs to see fall colors ;-)
    I thought of that song last night. A friend that lives in Mill Valley emailed me to tell me it was raining there.

  4. Alas, Merikay, we haven't had anywhere near enough rain to declare the end of fire season yet. We didn't even get 0.25" at our place, and what rain we did get was spotty. Technically they declare the end of fire season based on a set of things, I think. Such things include amount of rainfall to date and average fuel moisture. I suspect we need 2 or 3 inches of rain over the entire area before they decide that's enough. Not sure about fuel moisture, and may be entirely wrong about them using it at all. :)

  5. I'm enjoying the cooler temps here at Mesa Verde, but I have a hard time adjusting to the darker mornings and to the darkness coming sooner in the evening.

  6. I love fall in the Midwest. The colors were exceptionally beautiful this year due to the drought. However, it has been rather cool this fall. The law of averages have to catch up at some point, so all that heat in the summer is now causing some lower than average temps. We'll be moving south to Kansas next week to work at Amazon so we should experience fall a little longer :)

  7. We had early morning thunder storms and then almost a full day of drips and occasional periods of real rain. Total was about a half-inch here in SLO County, but it was greatly needed. We are so dry! So..yes, it feels like fall and we have our first rain of the season to confirm it!


  8. Sharon and I were commenting yesterday that when it started to sprinkle that we hadn't seen rain since we left Oregon.. Nice coo front came thru San Diego and I actually had to find a jacket for the evening.

  9. Hang in there...the sanding will get done one of these days. We had a wooden deck in our Georgia house and that was the thing I missed the least about that house. What a pain to maintain.

    BTW...I made one of your hairclipper/bath scrunchie things for the toad steering wheel. It worked great and Al was thrilled he could finally tell if the steering wheel was moving! Thanks!

  10. I'm wondering if you will ever have time to just relax and not have to do so much work on the house. That deck looks like hard work. Thanks for the Via comment.

  11. Our fall can be quite nice, but there are also cold, windy, wet days to keep us indoors. The leaves are changing and the geese are flying overhead - both which make it impossible to pretend it is anything but fall.


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