
Saturday, October 13, 2012

(Update) Ready to pass on a good book

Kim was the winner.  A number of others also responded, and I hope Kim will do the same and pass the book on when she is finished with it.   I would strongly recommend it as a good winter read. I will think of it often when on a hike or at home sanding deck railings!

When we returned from our trip I was delighted to find a package from Judy containing the book "There Are Mountains To Climb" by Jean Deeds.

It is a very inspirational account of her journey along the Appalachian Trail.

Both of us have read it and now I'm ready to send it off to one of you.  

I will mail it to the first person who emails their name and mailing address to me at

I hope that person will also pass it on when they have finished it.  


  1. You probably already have someone that responded. Wished I had seen your blog earlier! :-) I was thinking about reading the book "Wild" which is about a woman's journey along a different trail. It's one of Oprah's recommendations.Have you read that one by any chance?

  2. I hope you and Craig enjoyed it. I sure did. :)

  3. you probably already have someone but I wll give it a try!..check you mail. :)

  4. Hi Merikay, I know this is past post but I finally am getting around to sending you this. As you know kind of lot going on around here. If you can get your hands on this book...
    Hiking Through by Paul Stutzman
    It is about a man who lost his wife to cancer and then decided to hike the Appalachian Trail. I really enjoyed it and I am going to try and find this book at the library to read.


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