
Thursday, March 28, 2013


I enjoyed myself this evening designing a card for Craig and I to give to other RVers we might want to keep in touch with. I used one of the pictures of us that was taken in Death Valley in January. Neither of us was having a good hair day, but I think we look relaxed and happy in a National park. I tried to keep it simple.

I did have some printer problems however, probably because one of the inks is running a bit low, and am looking forward to trying to print it on my new Epson wireless printer after it arrives tomorrow. 

We have more than two weeks before we leave, so I'm sure to get it right by then.

A couple of my followers have commented on "how organized" I am.  It's really not true.  I only seem organized because I have so much time to plan and dream between trips.  When we are full-timing, I'm sure I will be quite disorganized. That's why I need lists!

Do you have a card? Who do you give them to?


  1. I keep a few cards on board the RV for special occasions. Sad to say, it's usually sympathy cards. I used to make mine a lot for people's birthdays when I had my own crafting room back home in Indiana. Now I send e-cards...My daughter is very good about sending genuine cards in the mail for anything and everything. I am proud of her for taking the time to hand write a card for things. It's a wonderful gift to get one in the mail these days!

  2. We recently had cards made up by VistaPrint but they're not as nice as yours.

    I give them to people we meet along the way that I think might want to read our blog.

    I had meant to get them a long time ago.

  3. We have an inkjet printer so we quit making our own due to smears when damp... but got a bargain at Staples so had a bunch made. We have our mailing address, e-mail addresses, blog address and an address you can click on to see our GPS location... or yes.. and a photo of the two of us. A lot to put on one card but it covers everything. Being full-timers as well as other means of travel it seems we meet a lot of folks we'd like to keep in touch with.

  4. We have cards I made before we left our S&B. We give them to people we meet along the way that show an interest in reading the blog or getting in touch at a later time. Lots of full-timers have them.

  5. I think that's a great picture of the two of you. You do look so relaxed and happy. :)

    I use an ordinary card to hand out since I don't have a printer where I could include a picture. I really like the picture idea. I have accumulated quite a few cards from other RVers and wish they had pictures on them. It helps the old noodle to remember them.

  6. I think a card is a great idea, sure came out great!

  7. Are you for hire? Just kidding! Your cards sure put ours to shame! Joe has asked me several times to work on new have certainly motivated me in that direction!

  8. You did a beautiful job Merikay.We had our cards made at a print shop where I use to live. It has our picture, name, address, web page address, email on the front,
    And a picture of our motorhome on the back. (we borrowed that idea from a friend who does it on theirs to help friends remember what their rig looks like). We give them to anyone who is interested, Sometimes we leave them with our tip hand writing a thank you to them for the good servcie. We've also left them at the table with a note of encouragement telling them how nice it was to see such well behaved children in a restaurant.....

  9. We have cards but they don't have a picture on them and I sure wish they did. We hand them out to everybody even if they don't want them. (Not really but almost.)

  10. We have cards too but not as nice as yours. The photo is a good idea. I'd like to get a pic with Carm and I and the dogs, and maybe Grace too. We are pretty unmistakable when we are all together. I see a little project for myself :-)

    We give ours to people we want to stay in touch with.

  11. Love your card - that's a great picture. We have one to give to folks we meet that we want to stay in touch with. Easier than saying..."do you have a pencil, I'll give you my email..." I designed ours and had it printed at Vista Print.

  12. When I became a lifetime member of Workamper magazine, one of the perks was a free box of 500 cards. So mine have the workamper logo on them. I give them to people that I have workamped with. Traveling solo, I am cautious about who I give the cards to.

  13. Your card is absolutely lovely. My only concern would be the amount of ink it will take to cover the white cards. I also have a card with the same picture of the longdogs that is on my blog. They come in very handy when meeting new friends.

  14. I often wish I'd been well enough organised to get cards done.

    Love how you've got all the essentials on yours. Agree you chose the right photo.


  15. Your cards are terrific and I am enjoying your posts. I love your casual "bad hair day" look! Our cards, like one of the other commentators, came from VistaPrint. They occasionally have a $10 special (250 cards) and free shipping. I can't beat that using my ink! I keep little bunches of cards everywhere, near my co-pilot seat, in the car's glove box, in Wayne's wallet and my purse. I hand one to anybody I meet and think I might like to run into again. After all, you can't take 'em with you!

  16. We have a card with our email addresses, South Dakota address, and phone numbers, as well as blog address. I got them printed through Vistaprint, very cheaply. We exchange cards with fellow RVrs that we want to keep in touch with.
    Yours look great!

  17. I have a card with my vintage camper restoration business...I hand them out very rarely as we don't really do work for other people. But when someone really admires our work I give them a card and tell them I will be happy to answer any questions if they need help. I had someone design them on e-bay...they are wonderful..two sided with a picture of my trailer on one side and contact info on the front. I do feel like because we use a p.o. box for our mailing address it is safe...

  18. That is a very nice looking card, and I disagree--I think you were both having a fantastic hair day!


  19. We have a card, and we give them to everyone. :O) People who want to know what we're doing, or how we spend our "free time." I can't remember the name of the company, but they would have been very expensive if I hadn't won them in a giveaway.

  20. We have a card; I give them to people we meet on the road. They're usually people camped near us who engage us in conversations about fishing or the trailer or other things. It has our blog on it like yours. I also have a quilting blog and a card to go with it; it gets handed out to fellow quilters. I like your card - very nice photo.

  21. I am unfortunately behind on reading blogs. Your cards look really good. My daughter got me some cards printed up for free. I wish I could remember where. I pass them out to people who are interested in reading the blog, and who want our phone number. It helps not having to write it down all the time.


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