
Saturday, March 30, 2013

[From Craig] So here we sit on Easter eve, huddled around our fireplace.  It's starting to rain in California's Santa Cruz Mountains, a pretty rare thing this year. The temperature hasn't reached our traditional threshhold for having a fire: 50F. OTOH, we've gotten to the point that when we want a fire, such details don't matter as much as they used to.

Why isn't Easter eve of any significance among holiday traditions? As the story goes, Christ's followers must have been pretty unhappy on the original Easter eve, which may explain why nothing special is done for its reprisal. The Easter story is obviously among the best "great new morning" stories in literature.

Hopefully, you and yours are happy and well this evening and tomorrow and thereafter...


  1. Thank you and the same for you and Merikay.


  2. Thank you for the warm Easter remembrance ...... May Easter be a special day for both of you...... Think of you often with the "sorting" and home repairs ...... I had a very similar experience and it is still at the top of my memory bank ..... Tough getting through it all but once it is accomplished, forever grateful !!!! Always enjoy your sharing .....thank you .... Bunny hugs all around ......

  3. And Happy Easter to you too. We are headed for bed early because we get up early and go to Sunrise Service followed by a nice breakfast.

  4. Happy Easter - I might be turning the fireplace on if it continues to rain!


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