
Monday, April 22, 2013

Catch Up

The remaining days of the Alfa National Rally were just as much fun as the first. Dinners every night, swimming, excellent seminars, wine and cheese sponsored by the resort, a pet parade, and time when some of the Alfa owners who have done modifications had their rigs open for us to see and admire. Throughout the week there were drawings for many prizes. They must have given out 100 gift cards of one sort or another. The resort gave away a free weeks stay, Freightliner donated several repair or service jobs including one for $350. Alfateers were the most generous donating a $1900 TV replacement package in addition to several hundred dollars worth of other stuff.

We did not win anything other than a token prize from one of the vendors. But that was OK. We feel we came away with so much. Although it would have been fantastic to get the TV package!

Craig, My sister iin-law Gerie, and my brother Keith
On Sunday we drove about 90 miles to Surprise, Arizona and stayed one night at the resort where my older brother spends his winters. He has been RVing for a lot longer than we have. My sister-in-law made a very nice dinner for us.  They have an older park model there and were excited to show us the brand new one they just bought. It was still being installed on their new lot. Very nice. I hope we can visit them again next year.

Monday we headed north to Williams, and tomorrow we will be at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.

My feet are very happy to finally be heading to the Canyon!

So happy I wanted to dance with this par baked loaf of bread from Trader Joe's!

We had heard that Williams was an interesting old town. I planned on spending the afternoon there.  However, many of the shops were closed or empty. We spent about an hour looking for what several people had recommended, but we were not impressed.

The air was pretty warm, but the wind came up again in the afternoon. My eyes were very irritated, and the lady at the RV park front desk said there was a lot of pine pollen in the air.  I'm going to take some Benadryl tomorrow.  Hope it helps.

Although there is a lot of green around, Craig found several of these trees that are not yet showing any buds or leaves. At 7000+ feet, the sky is incredibly blue!  Quite different from the brownish dust filled sky around the Phoenix area. I hope we get some good sunsets when we are at the Canyon.

Coming here is a big deal for me. The Grand Canyon has been on my "bucket list" for most of my life.


  1. It sounds cold this year at the rim but I'm sure you will enjoy it immensely.

    What's with the Shirt.

    Your family of course. Looks good on you and they're not a bad design either.


  2. So glad to hear you are having such a good time. Too bad you didn't win that Tv prize!

  3. The Grand Canyon will not disappoint!! Have a wonderful time.

  4. Enjoy the canyon. I want to work there next summer.

  5. The socks are great! But you are even greater - you are rocking your new figure :-)

  6. We were there about a year ago and though some days were chilly and you needed to bundle up, other days were great. We wore a lot of layers so we could adjust as needed. It is a beautiful place and has lots of great hiking. Have a wonderful time!

  7. I want those socks. Enjoy your time in that area; it's so beautiful there.


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