
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Food, Fun, Friendship

No cold has developed. I'm very happy about that. I have never been one to suffer allergies, but I understand that there are things in the desert air that cause irritation.

I started the day with another nice walk around the park while we were waiting for the windshield crew to arrive. I was please to see they were there when I returned, and finished the installation without any problems in a timely way.

The wind had died down and the day quickly warmed up.

At about ten we drove over the Casa Grande National Monument. It was interesting, but it didn't take much time to view and appreciate it.

A very nice saguaro cactus outside the visitor's center

There are many cactus flowers blooming. 

We missed the noon-time ice cream social, but got back to the resort in time to attend a question and answer session with the Alfateers techs. It was interesting in that no one seemed to have any really big problems. One of the more unusual quetions was from a woman who had experienced some electrical outages and now her microwave readout was in Spanish and she couldn't get it to reset in English.

We are getting to feel like we belong to our chapter (club). The Alfa Owners group is divided into six chapters. Ours is one of the smallest. The chapters have informal happy hours every afternoon, and sit together at the dinners. We had another all-rally sit down dinner tonight, and tomorrow morning we are going out to Cracker Barral with our chapter for breakfast, and to a dinner show in the evening.

Food, fun, friendship.  Learning more about our coaches and connecting with vendors. A rally is what you make of it. So far we have learned some new things, and enjoyed the company of other Alfa owners.


  1. Glad to hear you are enjoying your trip.

  2. Great way to connect with people! And learn some things too. I think it is good that nobody has any real questions and concerns....speaks highly of your Alfa.

    Enjoy your evening....The dinner show sounds like fun!

    The desert blooms are so pretty!

  3. That's one of the best things about the Rally - you begin to meet all these great people that will be friends forever. And you also learn stuff. Did you take the Ranger tour at the Ruins?

  4. Merikay, you are so close! We will be RVing just outside of Tucson for a few nights, then back home to Benson for a week or two before heading off to Nevada. Maybe we can all reach out and touch fingers at least! We have enjoyed our visits to the Casa Grande Ruins -- maybe we are so excited about it because this desert land is our home now, and we cherish its history and mystery.

  5. You are certainly making the best of it!


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