
Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I went to delete a draft of a post and deleted the one I wrote yesterday instead.  Oops.


  1. I did that once...deleted one of the prettiest places we have been...St. Francisville, LA. I was so sad!

  2. If you use Live Writer to write your posts, it will still be on your hard drive. I did that just the other day only I deleted two months worth of posts. Still working on recovering them but they are all there.

  3. Yep, I've been down that road alright:((

  4. Suare am glad to read that I'm not the only one that does things like that. have a great day Merikay.

  5. Something must be going around. I just accidently deleted my comment!

    That was one impressive post. I'm glad I read it before it vanished. I meant to comment when I read it, so I'll do so here.

    You two are making AMAZING progress toward your goal. Congratulations!

    One day, in the not too distant future, when you're lounging at your beautiful site near a national park, you'll think back to these days and wonder "How did we do all that?" In the next breath, you'll say, "It was all worth it."

    Keep up the good work!

  6. Hate when that happens! Love to see what else you put together, your writing is great.

    Started following your site, hope you check out my Coachella travel blog soon :)

  7. That's a bummer! I'm glad I read it before its premature demise!! It was a very impressive list. :) You are making such great progress. I am glad you have set a date for the house to go on the market - you could always find something more to improve and there comes a time you just have to call an end to the work. And even after you do the updates, there will be prospective buyers who will say they would rather have something else. We found that a little discouraging. But like our realtor said, there's a buyer for every property. The perfect person will come along. When this process is over and the house is sold, the end result will be SO worth it.


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