Sunday, April 14, 2013

Travel Day 2

Our first night at Walmart was fine. Seems to me that if you're just driving through an area, it doesn't matter much where you stay as long as it's level, legal and safe. When you close the blinds it is much like anywhere else.

We did have some traffic and train noise in the night, but it wasn't loud and did not disturb our sleep. Craig was fascinated by the amount of late-night activity in the parking lot of the 24-hour Super Center Walmart. He got up and raised the front shade to look out several times.  I felt quite safe with the security patrol car constantly driving around.

We intentionally got a late morning start because Craig wanted to get a Schlotzsky's sandwich in La Quinta and a Shield's date shake a few blocks away for lunch.

We remember Schlotzky's from when we lived in Texas many years ago. They have no locations in our home area. We were not disappointed. Our sandwiches were as yummy (and unhealthy) as we remembered from the early 80's when we lived in Texas.

We had one little glitch when Craig took a corner too tight in the Walmart parking lot, but we solved it by unhitching the car, backing both it and the Alfa up, making the turn, and rehitching.  A bother, but better than frame damage!

We drove about 300 miles and stopped at another Walmart in Avondale AZ, just west of Phoenix.  Casa Grande, the location of the rally, is less than 70 miles away and we don't check in until noon.

The weather here is hot and sunny.  We ran the heater this morning, and have the windows open now to catch some evening breeze. 

We all know Karen's husband Steve can do a brake job in a parking lot while they are on a trip.

Craig tried to chase down a squeak in the step while in the Walmart lot this afternoon.

Every time he does this, he says it's the most challenging lubrication problem he's seen.

What can I say!

And he brought me flowers last week too!

Meanwhile, I have been relaxing as we drive and wearing my happy feet socks.

I do my share. We trade off as driver about every hundred miles or so.

Gil has arrived safely, posted his first blog and video from Thailand.  See it here.


  1. Love the socks. Enjoy your evening. Safe travels.

  2. You are right - once it's dark, one place is like another!

  3. Love the happy socks!

    I have never driven our MH....well once when we were stuck in traffic on I-85 south. I went a grand total of 3 feet while Joe took a potty break!

  4. Tell Craig I have the same problem with our steps, they never seem to be lubricated enough!

    Ronda has all sorts of happy socks just like yours, she loves them!

    Have a fun trip!


  5. Where in Casa Grande is the rally. Bad winds tomorrow and I-10 gets really dangerous with the dust storms. So be really careful.

  6. Have fun at the rally. Hummm there must be something about WalMarts and tight turns. Ours did not turn out as good. We need repairs.

  7. I have happy socks too! Sounds like all is going well, glad ya'll didn't do any damages! Tomrrow, more fun to be had!


  8. Thanks for sharing the link to your son's adventure ..... Enjoyed the arrival and first day so much .... Glad you are on the road !!! That was a riot when I saw the photo of Craig on the asphalt like Steve !!!! Oh no another brake job ..... Hope the rally is a great time and a nice break .... Have fun !!!!!

  9. I watched your son's video. Very interesting. I think I will follow it at least for awhile. Enjoy your trip.

  10. You sound relaxed and like you are having fun. Glad Craig could get that challenging lube job done :))

  11. those are lovely happy sox you wear!! safe travels today!

  12. Thanks for linking your Son's blog. I have subscribed, but his will probably be lost amid the other 100+ blogs I subscribe to.

  13. I watched your son's video and will read his whole blog. He really is in for an amazing time and he writes well.

    You will miss having him on the same continent but skype will save the day.

    You are going to a rally. Will be interested reading about it.


  14. Maybe someday I'll try a Walmart, but so far I don't find them at all appealing.


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