
Sunday, August 11, 2013

On Our Way

Our Saturday morning departure was uneventful.  That is the best it could be.  Craig finished his project and I finished packing in a reasonable time and we were out of our yard and off the mountain by noon as planned.  If you have read about some of our departures in the past, you will know this was great.  Even our hook up went smoothly.  I had been concerned about our choice of places to hook up because I was afraid of getting a ticket.  A few trips ago I did call the Highway Patrol, and the gal I talked to said as long as we felt safe it was OK.  This time, just as we were finishing up a Highway Patrol car pulled up next to us.  I waved and said we were OK and he smiled and left.  YEAH!  No ticket.

At one point in the drive, although we still had a half tank of fuel, Craig noted a lower price on Gas Buddy in the Sacramento area.  We went to the station and saw that it was a bit tight and there was a gas truck unloading, so we skipped the fill up and went on our way.  What can I say. In the past, Craig might have tried to fit in and we would have had some scary tense moments. YEAH Craig!

Carol K. told us about a Casino along our route that night be a possible overnight spot.  We got to the Rolling Hills Casino about 5:00 pm and decided we had gone far enough for the first day.

We didn't see any RVs in the regular Casino parking, so we followed the RV signs.  I went into the office and asked about dry camping, and was directed to an area with about 100 big rigs with their engines running.  It was in the high 80*s, and although we do run the air conditioner some, we like to sleep with the windows open whenever possible.  Dry camping with the trucks was not something we wanted to do, so we got a full hook up, pull thru site for $28.  The Casino RV park was not somewhere you would want to spend much time at, but it was clean, safe, quiet and level so it was good for an overnight stop. Thanks for the heads up Carol.

Sunset, Rolling Hills RV Park, Corning CA, 8/10/13


  1. We enjoy staying at Rolling Hills for an overnight. 7 Feathers in Canyonville, Or is a beautiful spot to stay. Be sure and call us if you have the time for a stop in Eugene.

  2. Rolling Hills Casino is a good stopping place for the night. Eat breakfast at the buffet, get the senior rate. Sign up for their players club, just for the food benefits. Stop overnight at the Seven Feathers Casino in Canyonville, Oregon. You can boondock in the paved lot to the North of the Casino. Or, you can drive across to the RV Park and enjoy full hookups and swim.

  3. I'm glad that staying at Rolling Hills Casino worked out for you. It's a good distance for us, especially when we're traveling south on I-5. I like that they have free wifi there, as well as the food benefits. Enjoy the rest of your journey!

  4. I'm glad you had a successful departure - I would bet you could find a casino in the area any time you want to stop. There are lots of them up there.

    Have fun! :)

  5. Good to hear everything is rolling along!

  6. Congratulations on a safe (and uneventful) departure. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you'll get in the groove... we've been on the road for over 12 years and we still have our "check-off" list we use before ever pulling away from every site. Happy travels!

  7. Love the sunset. The clouds make them so pretty. Glad you are getting away for a while. I'm sure it will do wonders for your spirits.

  8. What a relief for you to have an incident free departure. Enjoy!

  9. Glad the departure was uneventful.

    So, is the house officially on the market?

  10. Glsd you had a great departure. We haven't stayed at a casino yet, but I am sure we will find something when we start heading east.

  11. enjoy the trip! sure sounds like you got off to a good start!


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