
Friday, August 9, 2013

Twas the night before ...

'Twas the night before leaving, 
and all thru the coach,
Not a creature was stirring, 
not even a roach.

A roach?  Well, it rhymed.

It is just after nine in the evening and we are two exhausted, but almost happy campers. We have both been working full tilt for several days finishing up fix-it projects, packing, cleaning, shopping, and otherwise trying to wrap up getting the house ready to show and the Alfa ready to roll. Everything is packed and put away in the Alfa except for the refrigerated foods. We turned the fridge on this afternoon and it will be nice and cold by morning. 

We are sleeping up here tonight, and expect to be on the road before noon tomorrow.  Craig started a repair this afternoon and wants to get it finished and painted before we go.  

Both the realtor and our handy man came by today for final decisions and instructions.  Although I've been cleaning like crazy, our realtor convinced me we should have a cleaning crew come in and do a "deep cleaning". After that was decided, I felt a great pressure lift from me because I was trying to clean and pack at the same time.  Packing was a big enough job.  Craig was also very busy with his jobs. 

We've both had our share of wine and are feeling quite mellow.  

Good night. 


  1. You must be getting ready to leave by now. I'm glad the wine helped to relax you.

    Have a safe trip and enjoy! You both deserve some relaxation and fun. Looking forward to lots of pictures!

  2. Yeaaaa, have a great time on your trip. :)

  3. AHA! It all becomes clear - you have both had your share of wine - hence the poem LOL!! Glad you are hitting the road - have a ton of fun.

  4. Have a wonderful restful trip. You both have earned it.

    Cleaning crew sounds great.

  5. Yeah for the cleaning crew! Wish I had done that. We are moseying up the beautiful Oregon coast and loving the beginning of our second year on the road. Can't begin to tell you how great it is.


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