
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Camping World, Bakersfield, CA

The first day of our winter trip went very smoothly.  We woke to very gusty winds, but no rain and were a bit concerned about driving.  It turned out that San Jose had a "killer windstorm" Friday night, but we got out of town before it hit.

Getting out of our drive and up our road is always a difficult process, but it seems to go more smoothly each time.  I have made a flag with "RV COMING" and long pink ribbons that I use to stop the rare car coming down the road when we want to go up.  I go ahead to the top of the road in the car and let Craig know when it is clear for him to come up. I use the walkie-talkie, and do the same thing at the one short "S" curve just before the freeway entrance.  All in all we live about a mile from the freeway, but it is tight, curvy with a steep grade.  All went well, but we are not overconfident about it.

We stopped in town to dump and to top off the propane tank and then headed out.  We were both smiling.  We were not bothered by any wind and made it to our first destination, Camping World in Bakersfield, CA.

I had read that they allow overnight parking, and was delighted to find out that they also have two free 50amp hook ups.  We did some necessary shopping at the store and settled in for a nice night.

Sunset in Bakersfield

Saturday's drive should get us to Indio.  


  1. We've been to that Camping World in Bakersfield. When we are heading south, we generally camp at that RV park that's kitty-corner across the street from Camping World. It's a nice park.

  2. Good grief! We have stopped there for the night two times. Once in 2011 and then just this past summer. Where are the hook ups? We missed them both times.

    We are at Camping world/ Indianapolis (really Greenwood) We have been here since Oct. 16th....awaiting for a frig part.

    CW has been a great host. We have seen many come and go as we sit here patiently.

    If the frig part is not here by 2 weeks from today, we are outta here and off to Red Bay, Alabama and the Tiffin factory where we KNOW they will get the part for us.

  3. What a beautiful sky with the palm trees!
    Safe travels!

  4. Glad you got out of the driveway safely and didn't have any wind issues. I didn't know CW had any hook-ups.

  5. Nice pic with the clouds and palm trees. Happy traveling.

  6. The CW in Kaysville, UT also has hookups and was one of our first stops ever when we started full timing. Safe travels. Sure glad you didn't end up with the wind.

  7. On the Road Again :-)

    I asked our dogs if they wanted to go on the road again and all ears popped up. Kinda cruel as we are now stuck here for 6 months waiting out winter. BLAH!

    I will be living vicariously through you :-)

  8. What a beautiful sky - I love sunsets that "pink up" the clouds like that, and the palm trees are such a bonus. I miss my San Diego palm trees. :)

  9. Thanks for sharing that beautiful sunset. Wondering if you have to have work done to use the hook-ups at Camping World or just shop in the store??


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