
Monday, November 25, 2013

Los Algodones, Mexico

The next leg of our journey was to Indio, California.  The drive was just the way we like it, smooth and uneventful! Our alternative would have been to come south through Arizona, but MapQuest told us it was about fifty miles longer, and it seemed that Arizona was having some bad weather.

Besides, Craig wanted to get a Shields date shake.  No objections on my part.

Sunday saw us tootling along for the last 170 miles to Winterhaven CA. We stayed at the River's Edge RV resort. Not fancy, some train and highway noise, but it is one exit away from the Los Algodones border crossing. This is where there are dozens of dentists, pharmacies, doctors, opticians  and many other medical services pandering to the elder "Snow Bird" community.  

Had Craig not done some research and made an appointment for his laser periodontic (LANAP) procedure, it would have been quite daunting to run the sidewalk gauntlet of service hawkers. 
"Looking for a  dentist?"   "Come right in."  "Compare our prices." 

"Eye glasses?"  "Prescriptions?" "Come in!" "Lowest prices here!" 

"Gold chains? Rugs or blankets? Purses or leather belts?"  "Come right in, compare our prices!"

I insisted we go over early so we could find the dentist and take a look.

That took no time at all, so we walked around for a bit and had an early lunch.

As far as I know, things went fairly smoothly.  Craig is a bit uncomfortable tonight, but he would be if he had gone to a California periodontist too.  He will take antibiotics for a week, and we may drive back for a checkup appointment in two weeks.  It is about three hours from San Diego. We would come over in the car not the Alfa.

As we were waiting in line for re-entry, I had a conversation with a nice Canadian couple.  We discussed getting glasses in Los Algodones. The wife said you could see an optometrist in the morning and pick up your glasses in the afternoon. I am thinking about doing that when we come back for Craig's checkup.  It has been a long time since I have had my eyes checked, and I think I need new glasses. If they are good, it would save a couple hundred dollars, and if they were not good it wouldn't be a big loss.

I think of this as being one of the advantages of being a full-timer. 

We will see.  Have you had experience with Mexican medical/ dental/vision/pharmacies?


  1. I remember all those "hawkers" in Los Algadones. We didn't have any work done there but we did stock up on some medications. Hope Craig is feeling better.

  2. We'll be dental work there in January and I've been thinking about new glasses. Don't really need them because the change is so small but it would be nice to have a second pair.

  3. Very pleased to have this information. More pleased to see that you made it out of your drive and to Southern California with no problems.

  4. I agree, that sounds like an advantage for being a fulltimer.

    It's funny, our rv park we were at in Georgia is also called Rivers Edge. I guess there are a few of them.

    Glad Craig got his dental work done. I think getting glasses would be a good idea. Let us know how that works for you.

  5. My husband and I have had glasses made there twice now and I would highly recommend it.

  6. Can't help you with an opinion on the medical services.

    Lots of people like those date shakes, but I find them a little too sweet for my tastes.

  7. I've never been to Mexico. I need a lot of dental work done but do not want to travel there alone. I have met some RV'ers that are very happy with their dental work in Mexico.


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