
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How do you clean the carpet in your RV?

We have had the Alfa for a little more than two years. When we bought her the carpets were pretty clean. Ugly, but clean. On two of our service stops at Alfateers, the carpets were done as part of their regular customer service. When we were there last time, the machine was not working.

So, by now the carpets were really in need of attention. At the house, we have either had a rug cleaning company come in, or rented one of the machines and shampooed the house carpets ourselves. I thought about that, but the Rug Doctor machines are so big I didn't think one would fit easily in the RV. I guess they have hand tools and upholstery attachments, but getting the basic machine in seemed difficult.

Since my daughter has two boys and a golden retriever, and light carpets, she also has a nice Hoover rug cleaning machine with a long hose hand-tool attachment. We used it Tuesday on the Alfa's rugs. I thought it would be a quick and easy task.  NOT! Craig did all the hard work because I have a "touchy" back. Bending and crawling around on the floor is just not something I can do without hurting for days after. So, I don't do that part, but I did help with the vacuuming and moving the machine from place to place.

Craig did a pretty good job and because we are sleeping at her house while they are gone, there is plenty of time to let it dry. Today while the boys are in school we will go over to the RV park and put things back in order. The Alfa looks like it has been picked up and turned over right now.

My question for other RV owners is "how do you clean your carpets?" Will the truck based carpet cleaners come to an RV park and do it for a reasonable amount? I know you can have a car detailed. Is there such a thing as an RV wash that will also do the rugs?

We (or should I say Craig) can do it, but I would like to hear about our options.

Of course, we are penny pinchers, so,  whatever the options are, we will probably keep doing it ourselves. We take our shoes off about 80% of the time, but during set up and tear down it just isn't practical. It also seems that any little smudge attracts black dust. We have had the exhaust system checked and we don't have any leaks, but diesel dust still seems to seep in and settle on everything.
When I run a cloth along the edges of hard surfaces like the window frames, my cloth picks it up.

Does anyone else notice this?


  1. No help on the cleaning question. (I take my rug outside and shake it). But just wanted to say I can't believe it's been 2 years since you got the Alfa. I remember when we were both homeless!

  2. we use the rug doctor with the attachment tools and even clean our windshield drape with it

  3. We've noticed that many RV parks in snowbird areas like Yuma, Phoenix, etc. there are mobile RV washing companies that come to RV parks with their own water and wash rigs. A friend of ours had it done for under $100. While in Phoenix, we had a mobile carpet cleaner guy clean our carpet for $75.

  4. I just drop crumbs all over and let Emma lick the carpet clean. ;)
    (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

  5. We used the Rug Doctor, but forgot to pick up the attachments. Oh well. It's time to do the rug again.

    When we rent the Rug Doctor, we don't use their soap. We use a mixture of white vinegar and water. The last time we did it, we ran the machine four or five times trying to get out all the dirt from gate guarding last year!

  6. I've never cleaned mine. I had a really nice carpet cleaner in my condo - that went in the estate sale - but I'd be afraid to use something like that on my RV carpet because it gets the carpet so wet/moist. I'd be afraid of the moisture getting under the carpet. My carpet was new when I bought The Palms, they had to pull up the heavy plastic that was stapled to the floor and the carpet underneath was new. Wish now I had left the plastic.

    I just vacuum really well for now, but am interested in what other commenters say, because I should do that, too.

  7. The only carpet in my RV is in the cab area, so I just use a spray foam can of carpet cleaner. Luckily the rest of the RV is linoleum.

  8. Our carpet was new when we purchased our Tiffin Allegro Bus. I was not fond of the tan color, but it does not show dirt. BUT when we removed the J Sofa, we could see the old and new look. I want to have ours cleaned and am eager to see what everyone has to say. If I had my way, we would rip out all the carpeting and add hardwood. But our kitchen and bath have ceramic on the floor and I am not sure how the mix would look.

  9. We've lived in our motorhome full-time almost 13 years. It's very small so we don't have a lot of carpet. We did have it (and the chairs and sofa) cleaned professionally once when we were near McAllen (mobile unit came to the park)... but I have a long runner-like throw rug in front of the couch and I use a spray can of carpet cleaner on spot. I have used 3 different vacuum sweepers before I finally hit on one that I like. Maybe I could borrow Emma from Judy and then I wouldn't have to mop my kitchen floor.

    1. Which one do you like? We're shopping for one now.


  10. We just hire someone to do it while parked. Have had it done in both Eugene, OR, and Mission, TX. Ask around & check at the offices of the RV parks for recommendations. Same for washing/waxing the rig. Retirement is too short to spend it working!!!


  11. Joe does our carpet with a brush and a shop vac. Have to say we haven't noticed any black dust....just regular dust. The 4 pups keep me busy dusting and vacuuming.

  12. After I bought my motor home,I had all the old carpeting taken out,and vinyl put in everywhere exept the cab where I put new carpeting.So easy to take care of.

  13. We had our living room carpet in our house cleaned last summer as well as the love seat we had put in the Winnie Wagon. Very happy with the professional cleaner who did the job & I would suggest if you really want the job done thoroughly right have a pro do it. They have all the right chemicals & equipment plus the know how. No offense to Craig's cleaning job but sometimes I think it's just best to go with someone who's job it is to do that sort of thing. Carpets can harbor a lot of unseen nasty yukky stuff & I think an industrial cleaning job is the way to go..........

  14. Professionals would have better suction to get as much water as possible.

  15. It is better way if you call an expert that will do the cleaning of your carpet because they know all the necessary things that needs to be done during cleaning. With this method, you will have to maintain cleanliness of your carpet.
    Repair a carpet transition | Repair carpet to tile transition

  16. Camelia Brown: Great informational resource as always!I really love the way of explaining this post.You are just ouststanding..Keep posting more..


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