
Monday, December 2, 2013

Family Times

I have been very distracted for the last few days and couldn't put together an interesting post.  We had a very nice Thanksgiving with our daughter, her husband and our two grandsons.

On Saturday our daughter and her husband left for a short trip to Switzerland, and we are staying at their home to look after the boys. They don't need taking care of, but do need to have adults in residence. We went to see a movie Saturday (Ender's Game) and on Sunday played a long game of Mexican Train before going to the home of family friends for dinner.

Today while the boys are in school we are going to oil the woodwork in the Alfa and shampoo the carpet. Exciting? Not! But it really needs it and this is a good time because we are not sleeping there for a few days.

I love being with family, but I don't think it makes for interesting post material. So if my blog is quiet for awhile, know I am relaxing and having fun with those I love more than anything.

I have a "Grand" smile today!


  1. Nothing like those grands to put a big smile on your face. And that is all that matters.

  2. Two boys should keep you busy enough that you sleep well. ;)

  3. Carpet care and fall cleaning must be a popular activity. We are doing the same in preparation to our departure this weekend.

  4. Enjoy the grands - and don't think posts about your activities there would be uninteresting. I always enjoying reading grandkid posts.

  5. I know what you mean! Love the grand kids but can't imagine a lot of interest to readers. Always enjoy your posts.


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