
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Closing delayed again, but we're out of here!

Yes, you read the title correctly. The closing date on our house has slipped again! More hiccups have occurred with the first property in our string of dominoes. We were told about it last Monday, and I was really really upset. I could write about it at great length, but decided better.

The only thing we are sure of is that our buyer is a good man, and really wants this house as soon as possible. We spoke with him, away from the realtors, and he is as frustrated and unhappy about the situation as we are. It will close, we just don't know when.

It had been our intention to pull out of here after the closing on March 25, giving us just enough time to visit for a few days with our family in San Diego and then get to Arizona for the Freightliner Camp and the Alfa Rally.  Since the closing will be delayed, we have decided to just leave early and consider this our Spring Trip. Hopefully we will not have to come back!

Last look at the house from the Alfa as Craig backed her out of the driveway

It all seems so anticlimatic.  We had dinner with friends Friday night, and pulled out on Saturday morning.

I don't feel either excited or free.  

There will be no real freedom until the sale is closed and the money is in the bank!

Stay tuned.


  1. Sorry to hear about the date slippage but it happens more often than not. And the closing will happen. I was so emotionally shot when we left our house for the last time that I didn't feel excited or happy or anything. It took me about three days before the stress let up enough for me to say Yahoo!! So hang in there.

  2. It will happen and I think you were wise to leave. The sense of freedom and happiness will probably catch up with you after the house finally closes and you have your money. Safe travels!

  3. just enjoy your can hope that everything will fall into place sooner than later!!


  4. Oh my Merikay.......AGAIN ????

    Soooo glad you and Craig are taking off in spite of the blankety, blank delay ..... Have a good time and get on down the road ...... I'm with you when the cash is in the bank let the CELEBRATION begin !!!

  5. Anti-climatic or not, you are out of there and that's a very good thing! I'll bet in a day or two you'll start to relax and enjoy your trip. Our closing was delayed several times, but it did close and yours will too.

    Have a nice big glass of wine.

  6. I'm sure it feels like a big weight is being towed behind you. Hopefully the closing won't happen too much later than the original date. We'll all be able to hear your big sigh of relief then!

  7. I can certainly see why the gentleman wants that house. I does look really nice from the driveway. It'll all work out in due time. Try to set your mind free.

  8. Darn. So sorry that closing was delayed again. Glad you are taking off anyway and hope the stress will ease away as you roll down the road. Waiting on closings is always very stressful no matter what your next plans include.

  9. I sure admire your patience...and your decision to be gone!

  10. This too shall pass and it will soom be but a faint memory. Enjoy.

  11. "Last look..." Well put. Enjoy your trip!

  12. Here's to wings on your feet and money in the bank. What a trial you have had - I hope you are holding out okay.

  13. So sorry you have to wait once again, very frustrating. Enjoy your time and hopefully you won't be going back.

  14. Thinking of you and hoping that the closing comes sooner rather than later!!

  15. Yes, a bit anti-climactic if that was the last glimpse of the house, but lets hope its the case.

  16. I believe that nothing regarding the sale of a home ever goes smoothly. Hang in there. This will be just a memory soon.

  17. So sorry that this saga continues


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