
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Good News, We Hope

The good news is that the buyers of the commercial property that must close before our house can sell, have finally removed all contingencies that might prevent the closing.  So unless something else causes an unexpected problem, the three transactions should close in a timely procession.  We are pretty sure it will not be by the original target date of March 25.  Our realtor is estimating April 4. Fingers are crossed!

We spent two nights parked on the street in front of our daughter's house, and were able to visit with her and with some of our San Diego friends.
We park in front of the neighbors because the space in front of her house is not level. This was taken early in the morning on the day we left. Being only two blocks from the ocean, it is usually cloudy at that time of day.

On Monday we enjoyed a walk along Sunset Cliffs Drive. The big homes have some very nice landscape plants.

We probably won't be seeing this ocean again for a while, so we savored the sun and salt air on our walk.

We both have dental appointments in Los Algodones, Mexico on Wednesday, so on Tuesday we drove to a nice little Passport America park near El Centro, about 60 miles west of Yuma. The Rio Bend RV and Golf Resort is quite clean and comfortable. After getting parked and hooked up, we went to the sun-warmed pool and relaxed for a while. 

I'm writing this as we are sitting outside in the shade and are listening to many doves and other birds. There is a patio party of a bunch of noisy old-timers going on just up the road, but it doesn't bother us at all.  Sounds like people having fun.  There must be a dozen golf carts parked there. If we had the energy we would wander over. I'm sure we would be welcome, but we are both just happy to sit here drinking our wine and doing our own things. 

Later:  After dinner we took an evening walk around the park and discovered this beautiful pond and the golf course. 

We will stay here for just two nights and then go north to Anza Borrego State Park. We have a week-long reservation in the campground with hookups.  We are not yet ready to boondock in an area that might get quite hot. I do hope it will be cool enough to take some hikes.  

I really feel very mellow and content right now.  Is it the wine? Or is it knowing that we have everything we need. Running water, a sewer connection, air conditioning, cable TV, and a wonderful warm swimming pool to float around in when we return from our dental trip tomorrow.

One day at a time!
As Judy would say: "Carpe Diem!"


  1. Hooray! You are on the road. I hope all goes well with the closing.

  2. You sound good, Merikay. Glad you were able to spend some time in San Diego. Golf? Did you say golf?? We'll have to check out that park if we ever get down to El Centro. Dave did some consulting for the community college there, but he hasn't been back since. I enjoyed seeing your pictures!

  3. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  4. Congratulations, sounds good to me!

  5. It's the start of a wonderful thing! Enjoy every minute.

  6. Fantastic!! I see you have one less brick on your shoulders :) Good luck with the dental appointments, anxious for another opinion of it.

  7. Isn't it nice when the Ducks finally get themselves all lined up in a straight row:))

  8. Yahoo Merikay! You two are finally on your way!

  9. I am so excited for you and Craig.....I do believe a celebration dance is in the near future!
    That is a beautiful header photo Merikay!

  10. Congrats to you both. You will be missed back here on the mountain, but I know you'll be enjoying yourselves. Cheers!

  11. it all sounds good to me! Hope that today's dental appointment has gone well. We will be in
    Anza Borrego, but not due to arrive until you have left. Bummer.

  12. Woohoo, fingers crossed and in the meantime, you are chilling.


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