
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cactus Flower at Rio Bend RV Resort, El Centro, CA

When I took my walk Monday morning, before we pulled out, I was suprised by the largest cactus flower I have ever seen. It was in the garden in front of the Rio Bend office, not in the wild desert. 

There was one just budding.

And one fully open and perfect.

It was eight inches in diameter. The plant was growing several additional buds on the top.

I am using it as my header for now, but since that goes away when I change headers, I am including the same image in this post. 

It was amazing!

Oh, and for anyone who wants to know more about the brand of the ladder in my last post, check the comments. Craig wrote up the details there.


  1. I'll be interested to see pics of the park you stay at in Casa Grande. Cool bloom!

  2. I don't care about the ladder...What kind of cacti are those???

  3. Gorgeous cactus and bloom.

  4. Looking forward to the day we can see the desert in bloom.

  5. I am interested in reading about all the different RV parks that you stay in. I enjoyed seeing your pictures taken at Rio Bend.


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