
Thursday, April 3, 2014


Not an April Fool joke. We hope ... our realtor called us Tuesday afternoon to tell us the sale was closed.  A closing on April Fool's day seems a fitting conclusion for our sale saga; it went up for sale on August 16.

I'm not sure what we would have done if it had fallen through again.  Arson? Explosives? Abandonment? Hari kari? 

Or maybe we would have just kept running!

Fortunately, we do not have to consider any of those.  

I have waited until today to post this because I reallly wanted to see the money in our account before breathing that final sigh of relief.

But it is there now and we can do what we have planned on doing.  Driving off into the sunrise ...  

We started in California after all!

[From Craig: Story of My Life department] For years I have been lusting after the FIOS service from Verizon, but was always told that we couldn't have it in the Santa Cruz Mountains. It's about the fastest Internet and movie access available in the US.  Today I logged into the Verizon site to terminate our phone service and was confronted by a announcement "Wonderful news! Your area is now eligible for Verizon FIOS service." Grrrrr!


  1. That is the most exciting news. I am so happy for you guys. Now relax and enjoy.

  2. Haaaappy dance time!! Now you can truly celebrate not only the closing but your patience. You knew it would eventually all come together. The buyer must also be so grateful!!
    Enjoy the road ahead - and don't look back (even if there's IOS there)!

  3. Congratulations to you on finally getting things wrapped up on the house sale! Now, with that in hand, you can enjoy watching the Badgers dominate their foes!!

  4. Well, Merikay, it looks like you kept the dream alive just long enough! Congratulations and happy travels to you and Craig.

  5. I'm so happy for you! You are FREE! Soon the agony will be a foggy memory that you can laugh about.

    Go and enjoy your travels and be sure to keep us posted.

  6. Yipee, that is excellent news! What a big sigh of relief you must be feeling. April Fool, indeed--I think not! :-)

  7. WOW WOW WOW Merikay!!! Woot woot!! I am so happy for you and Craig!! All that hard work on the house is now behind you and very soon will be but a distant memory. :)

    Enjoy these first days on the road as FREE travelers!!

  8. I have to tell you, Merikay, when I saw those CAPITAL letters, my heart jumped a beat for happiness for you! Silly me, actually makes me teary to remember what a long road you have traveled to get to this point. I remember Merikay's Dreams are Written in Smoke, and the many times you almost gave up on your dream. Congratulations on creating a dream for yourself, for making it happen, and to Craig for all the work he did to make it happen as well, in spite of his sometimes reservations about the whole thing. Wonderful!!

  9. I am so glad for you both, a load off your minds, I am sure. Now go and relax.


  10. Congratulations on the closing of your's been a long road for you and Craig and you dreams were not written in smoke.

  11. I did a happy dance for you! Now you can enjoy your travels with out a black cloud hanging over your head

  12. Whoot, Whoot!!!! Oh, happy day! Free at last, free at last! Hit the road Jack!!!! oops meant Craig and Merikay!

  13. Congratulations, that's absolutely wonderful. I know exactly how you feel - it's not sold until the money is in MY account - no refunds, no returns! So happy for you guys. :)

  14. YAY !!!!!!!! You 2 have certainly paid your dues to prepare for the full-timing life.

    Boy, Merikay, remember when we were both dreaming of getting our rigs? Seems like ancient history now.

  15. Yeah!!! Congratulations, happy and safe travels to you. Now onto the rest and best time of your life.

  16. What a wonderful relief for you. Congratulations. Welcome to the rest of your life!!

  17. congrats to you both..sure nice when things actually work out the way you want!!

  18. Congrats!
    Now you truthfully full timers. Have a wonderful journey.

  19. Oh Yeaaaaaaa! And I haven't even got beyond the headlines. Everyday I have looked for this. I am so happy for you two.

  20. Even more exciting than the Badgers getting to the Final four... well, maybe as exciting! Congratulations

  21. I guess all of us have been patiently waiting for this wonderful news. We are so happy for you. I know how stressful it's been, but now it's done and you can move onto your new life!

    Your dream of one day hiking in national parks has come true, despite the delays along the way. You kept at it and achieved your goal.

    Congratulations to you both.

    Sorry about the Fios Craig. Isn't that just the way things go sometimes? I know you'll get over it soon now that things are settled.

    Enjoy your planning Merikay!!

  22. Congratulations!!! You must be elated. All the best as you continue your journey with lowered stress.

  23. Congratulations, such awesome news!!! Let the adventures begin :)

  24. A 7 month closing--that must be some kind of record! It must feel fantastic to have the $$ sitting in your account & see the miles roll by the odometer! Congratulations!

  25. FINALLY....yippee! I have to say I am just a little bit jealous and we don't even have our house for sale!Have fun...

  26. Hip hip hooray! This is the best news Merikay! I am so happy for you and Craig.


  27. No foolin! Congrats!!!
    Wishing you many safe, happy and fun-filled miles as fulltimers. Enjoy the ride!


  29. That's so exciting! So where will you be off to the next several months?

  30. Such wonderful news! Congratulations!

  31. Congrats on the sale of your home!


  32. Wow, what a long haul! Now get out there and have fun with nothing hanging over your head! :c)

  33. Congratulations! Now.... Let the good times roll!!!!!

  34. Merikay I've been lurking in the shadows and following your blog for a couple months now. But I can be silent no more. I'm so, so happy for you! I've started reading your entries from day one and I'm now up to September of 2010 - you're working on painting the house trim and just had your first flea market. Oh my goodness, how hard you've worked! We're one year away from our target date to go full time & I had to let you know what an inspiration you are to me and thank you for all your sharing and for being so "real". Congratulations, enjoy your new life!

  35. Congratulations. I have been following your blog since we decided to go full time RVing. (Fall 2013) and felt your stress with the sale of your house. We were blessed to list our house one day and it sold the next so took it as a sign that our decision was the right one. We are having the time of our lives and wish you many exciting adventures.

  36. Woohoo, happy happy you! And we are all so very happy for you. Footloose and fancy free....already on the road and ready for more. Congrats!

  37. Such great news, was going to ask about it earlier but chickened out.


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