
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Nice Couple of Days

Ho Hum.  Nothing much to say except we have had a couple of very pleasant days.

We went for a dusk walk the other night. No pictures except for this one of somebody's sign:

We don't know them, but it's such a nice name!

On Saturday we went on a moderate hike recommended by our hosts Karen and Al.  They had just done and blogged about this hike two days ago, so we're in serious overlap with them.  The hike is High Shoals trail, which leads to two waterfalls.  

This stretch of level trail could have been in any of the last few states, but reminded us of the gardens at the Biltmore estate.  Just so perfect!

Here is the second waterfall at the end of the trail.

Karen and Al said they though we might enjoy the mile or so of rough gravel road into the trailhead. 

Whoopee! Our first real Jeep road! This is why we bought the Jeep to replace our little Hyundai Accent. Complete with a water crossing!

Saturday was a very low key, around-the-rig work day. I emptied my side of the closet and all of my drawers. I sorted out things that I didn't want to keep and filled a goodwill bag and a trash bag. After putting everything back, I found I have more room once again and I'm ready for our next round of travel.

Meanwhile, Craig asked if there was anything he could be doing to help, and I suggested scrubbing the vent and underside of the microwave. It really needed attention since it is above the stove. 

I must say, he did a wonderful job. Far better than I would have done. About half way into the project he went off and bought some TSP. That really helped remove the built up gorm. 

Showers and football may keep us at home on Sunday, but Craig suggested a walk in the morning.  

We'll see.

Life is good.


  1. Sometimes just having a break from all the travel and sightseeing is needed and welcome. Will you be there long enough to see the fall colors in the mountains?

  2. We are here through about Oct 21, which the locals assure us will include the best of local color. Being from Wisconsin, we're not sure about Georgia fall color, but we're happy to be convinced...

  3. So glad you two are relaxing and taking a nice long break ..... Good to regroup and put your feet up .... Not sure what the magic stuff is TSP but sounds like that and the elbow grease worked !!! The colors should start to turn and become showie .... Hope it is a super year ... Keep havin' fun !!!

  4. Hey Greg, I am from Wisconsin and I have seen some fantastic Fall colors in those mountains ..... It took some convincing when I was about to experience my first Fall !!!! I hear ya !!!

  5. Ps..... One more note ..... I loved that MUD RUN with the JEEP !!!!! That will break her in !!!!

  6. Nice photo of the Jeep's baptismal. Good for you guys in getting it all dirty & stuff:))

  7. Glad you enjoyed the stream crossing. You can give the new jeep a good work out on a lot of the Forest Service (FS) roads. The guy we spoke to said there were a lot of stream crossings on those roads.

    There are plenty of other mountain roads where a jeep would be extremely useful, including some around here. One of which is a very old cemetery, with a local celebrity who resides there. Also a cool old church you can go into.

    Hope to see you for happy hour later. We seem to be on different schedules and haven't seen much of you. Maybe we need to schedule a meal somewhere!

    We're hoping for a nice fall color. Last year wasn't great at all, so maybe we're due.

  8. Just came across your blog by mistake. Lucky me. What a great adventure you are on! You've been to some beautiful places - nice photography. Keep it up. Thanks heaps for sharing.

  9. We are planning to begin our first trip in March of 2016. Just came across your blog and it seems we will be going along your trip plan going south and up through FL. We are in E. TN and our daughter just moved to Blue Ridge GA in June. We are looking forward to starting there, staying for several months and then moving southward into FL. I am looking forward to reading your blog post from your trip through. FL.


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