
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bear Hair Gap Trail, Vogel State Park Georgia

We seem to be falling into a nice rhythm of hiking every other day.

On Sunday we again went over to Vogel (the closest state park) and hiked the Bear Hair Gap Trail. 

Some hikes are too long, others are too short. This one was just right at about 4.7 miles. 

It was not the easiest hike, with a 480 foot rise in the first third, but the last part was all downhill.

Although there was no waterfall to be seen, we did have to cross a creek several times. This was one place where there was no bridge.

It seems it is acorn time. The path was littered with them, and we kept hearing plop, plop, plop as they fell to the forest floor. We don't know if these all fell into this rotted stump, or if a squirrel or perhaps even a human put them there, but because it was an extra wet place some of them were sprouting.

This stump along the path was surrounded and filled with rocks. Many were in totem stacks. I think they were left as tokens by the many hikers that came this way. Craig says he thinks the other trees had stoned this one because it had been adulterous.

Treasured or punished?

Monday was a no-hike day and it rained a little, so we went out to lunch with Karen and Al.

Life is so hard here in the Mountains of Georgia!

1 comment:

  1. On some of the trails here at the North Rim, the squirrels are in the trees knocking down large green pine cones, the pine cones make a very loud sound when hitting the ground, and it is not something you like to hear when hiking.


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