
Friday, February 27, 2015

In California!

As a recap, we left Florida on Tuesday February 10, heading for California.  We had two planned short stops along the way: New Orleans to experience a bit of Mardi Gras, and Choudrant LA for the repair of our awning. 

The remainder of the journey was unplanned other than having a destination of Fontana California for an appointment at Alfateers for a few small jobs on the Alfa.

On straight driving days we have averaged over 350 miles, but we have also taken one detour to visit friends, plus a half day of driving when we stopped at the Desert Museum near Tucson, and a stop in Los Algodones for a new pair of glasses for Craig. 

We've stayed at a variety of RV parks.  The one in Tucson was a bit flaky. Sometimes Passport America parks are.  But then if all you are doing is sleeping overnight you don't need amenities, and the 50% discount makes a doubtful location more tolerable.  

We also stopped at two casinos: Quechan near Los Algodones and Fantasy Springs near Indio.  Both were free with no hook ups.

We are now up in Fontana and show a total of close to 2800 miles this month.  

Wow!  Too far, too fast!

But we want to get to San Diego and spend time with our daughter and grandsons as soon as our short list of repairs are finished.

The Arizona Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson is mostly wonderful outdoor cactus gardens.

On Wednesday we enjoyed the museum's "Free Flight Raptor Show," which was a narrated description of birds flying from trainer to trainer. 

The first birds were small ravens, which are not raptors. The ravens swooped back and forth over the crowd of people.  

They are not tame, but they do fly between trainers who I'm sure are giving them treats.

While they flew the narrator told us about them and some of the other birds that call the desert home.

The next two birds to fly were a great horned owl followed by a falcon.

The falcon flew across the viewing area a few times and then took off after a red-tailed hawk that was not part of the park's raptor show. 

The narrator emphasized that the birds had the freedom to leave or do their own thing, and that this falcon was chasing what he considered an intruder into his territory.  He did not return to the trainer, but not to worry because they would find him via a tracking device if he did not return.

Later, when we were walking thru the enclosed aviary we noticed this bird, on the outside of the net roof.  
We think it was the resident falcon.

There were several hummingbirds feeding on wild flowers in the gardens. Craig caught this one as he took a rest.

This is one of my favorite cacti, of the many Craig photographed.

As we left the museum, we were amused by this sign.  

Do not feed the coyotes Ritz crackers?

They really are dogs at heart, aren't they?


  1. Whew.. what a whirlwind tour across the country! Sooo glad you found time to stop by us!!!!

    Kareninthewoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

  2. Wow. I think we left CA about the same time. We won't be back in Placerville, CA until May. We are also looking forward to seeing family and friends when we get back. Enjoy your kids and grandkids! I look forward to see what your plans are next. How long will you be in CA?

    1. About a month. Then we go back to AZ for a rally, with the next target Utah before it gets too hot.

    2. We'll be in AZ all of April. Maybe we'll cross. Mostly we'll be in the Phoenix area visiting family and friends. We'll do UT again and So. CO but towards the end of summer. We'll go from CA to Glacier for the hotter part of summer.

  3. Wow! What a huge bit of traveling in such a short time. If you have time, come by Borrego Springs so we can go to Carmelitas, once again....

  4. so that's what kicked up all this wind on I10...

    1. Westbound was windy too. It was good to get past the windmills and down the grade.

  5. The Tucson museum is on my 'must do list'. Those long travelling days are hard - I'm glad you made it safely.

  6. My gosh, you guys are really tearing up the roads! And also experiencing a lot of different weather. The desert museum in Tucson looks so interesting to me. I'd love to visit and get some good photos of their residents. I think I'll put that on my bucket list. Now that you are in California maybe you'll be able to spend some time resting and relaxing. And visiting kids. I'll be doing that, myself, in April. :)

  7. You lived in California for just short of half your life. If you had to call someplace 'home', would it be CA? Or is the concept of home state antithetical to how you're living now?

  8. We did that great Tucson nature museum years ago as well & remember that Raptor show. Bet it's a nice feeling to be back in the southwest for you. I know it is for us every year..............

    1. Hate to disagree, Al, but I already miss Florida. I found it a beautiful state without many brown/tan rocks and lots of green leaves :-)


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